General fiction winners(season 1)

55 4 8

3rd place:  Becoming Brave by:  beneighnay

Score: 90/115

Judges comment:  The flow isn't really the best thing in your book, although i do like the idea. You can improve by describing more and paying more attention on the verb tenses.

2nd place: Amador by: 2005pd

Score 98/115

Judges comment:  I personally did have fun reading your book, I really enjoyed Lise's personality. Also your vocabulary and word choice is impressive. There is a bit more room for improving organisation and adding more description.

1st place: Fiery Sugar vs Savage Spice
By:  KozmicKookieDxD
Score: 103/115

Judges comment: I honestly really enjoyed reading your book. The summary, title, and cover are all quite appealing, which is a very important aspect in my opinion. The description is also excellent.

Congrats to every one who won, and thank you all you have entered. PM KEKamalP to receive comments on your book. You may now use your badges.

For those who didn't win and marked you wanted your score on your form. Private message this account your genre and book name to receive your score and judges comment. We hope you will use them to improve your story because they were all truly amazing.

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