Historical fiction winners (season 1)

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3rd place: Lady Killer by emptyatea

Score: 100/115

Judges comment: Show! Don’t tell. If you want the reader to know that your character likes/ doesn’t someone or something use description and dialogue to convey that message.
Phillip makes me giggle. I like him.
You have some good parts with diction, but you need to make sure you are sticking to era appropriate language.
Your pacing is good from what I have seen, which is a really big feat for a beginning writer.
Ooohhh. Murder.
Pay attention to your verb tenses
I’m having a hard time understanding what era this is in. There’s capes but also plastic bags. Is this a real historical time or one that you have constructed. Tbh though. I love the abundance of capes.

2nd place: L’Ange de la Mort: The Art of Revolution by: poznati

Score 107.5/115 

Judges comment: Strong opening paragraph catches my attention and is kinda funny. You write in a way that makes it fun to read.
You write action well but also can have a nice social scene as well. That’s cool.
I love Anne!!!!
Some transitions between parts of the story seem a bit awkward
Omg. I am Lizabeth. Lol. These characters are so real.

1st place: Rightfully mine by: kanne53

Score 109/115

Judges comment: Great use of voice. The dialect here is very clear, but some sentences come across as a bit awkward.
The story is set up well and pacing is excellent.
First chapter is funny and relatable!! I like the whole idea of her just waiting for John to marry her in that first chapter. Love the love triangle set up.
Heroic and strong female lead. It can be hard to find the balance in historical books between what a realistic woman of the time would be and wanting to impose our current cultural view of women into the story, but you find a great job of finding that balance. Characters are well developed and have clear motives.
parts of the Story Are a bit cliched. I don’t know if you spin off of this later, but it does follow a certain storyline.
That death scene was infinitely beautiful.
I love the first five chapters I got to read. Will definitely read more when I get the chance.
Characters are so complex and real. Andrew and Katherine remind me of some friends of mine who recently started dating.

Congrats to every one who won, and thank you all you have entered. PM KEKamalP to receive comments on your book and you may now use your badges.

For those who didn't win and marked you wanted your score on your form. Private message this account  your genre and book name to receive your score and judges comment. We hope you will use them to improve your story because they were all truly amazing.

If you have any questions or concerns contact you judge beneighnay

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