Paranormal winners (season 1)

52 2 6

3rd place: Crestfell by: myaura

Score: 53/115

Judges comment: This was a rather interesting short story with lots of potential. The idea is quite intersting there was some issues with execution. The grammar and spelling had some inconsistencies that can easily be solved with an editor or some self-reflection. As this was a short story the charaters were lacking in character development which can be remedied through extention of your use of description. With such an intersting story idea once you get finer details down you will be a excellent writer.

2nd place: He sees me by:  ShawMcKnight

Score: 80/115

Judges comment: Overall I found this story quite interesting. The style of being written in multiple perspectives   is a bit confusing in the first couple of chapters as from the readers weren't sure what was going on, however  this  did develop as the story went on. One suggestion that may engage initial readers is to add a prolouge from the prospective as the evil character just a little remark of him being all dark and evil or the impact he has on the victim. There are some mistakes in terms of spelling and grammar such as using the word in the wrong tense. In terms of genre your stiry fits quite well and I believe you have a lot of potential as a writer.

1st place: Just Run by: Shareese86

Score 93/115

Judges comment: I found the story quite entertaining and found the storyline stemming from racial prejudice was very interesting. I thought the pacing was quite good  and the story will fit easily as both action and paranormal. At this stage I have only read the beginning  chapters and therefore feel it is a bit lacking in character development. Perhaps you might think of adding flashbacks to what life was before the eclipse in order to develop character, however with this type of story I know  charaters will develop furture as they meet new conflicts within the story. This was a very enjoyable read excellent work.

Congrats to every one who won, and thank you all you have entered. PM KEKamalP to receive comments on your books you may now use your badges.

For those who didn't win and marked you wanted your score on your form. Private message this your genre and book name to receive your score and judges comment. We hope you will use them to improve your story because they were all truly amazing.

If you have any questions or concerns contact you judge Firefly94

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