Horror Winners (season 1)

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3rd place: Eris by: KrystalM

Score: 101/115

Judges comment: What an descriptive beauty your book is! On First sight, your book doesn't look special. Infact maybe a little boring, because of the cover. I just don't find it good and attracting. But clicking in, and reading it. A perfection of descriptive writing! No needless details, and that's what I like the most! You were exremly descriptive, but in a way you could keep readers entertained and made them read your whole book. The characters were not a bit cliche. Unfortunately, I read many books with a similar story idea, and that is a big minus for your story. But I believe it won't be hard for your story to rise and shine. Only flaw I kinda noticed was the dialouge in First chapters. I just didn't feel the spark of a good written dialogue, but very well descriptive writing kinda covered it up. Afterall, A very good story!

2nd place: Fleash Meat by:  Shareese86

Score: 103/115

Judges comment: What an refreshment was this book! I believe this is the best zombie/undead related story here. On the First look, your story looks like an normal and standard horror story, especially because of the title. But clicking onto the story, I was suprised, very suprised. You were the second one to name a contest where your book won the First place, and I personally think it's a very good way to show your readers your book was read by experienced writers and readers, and afterall won the First place on a contest. It also shows how you put effort, trying to make your book closer to the audience. Your effort can also be seen from the pictures, videos and gifs you insert in every chapter. And your book didn't disappoint me when I began to read the story. First chapter (The letter) left me curious, and couldn't help myself from reading the next chapter, even though it was 2 AM. After that, a really descriptive chapters followed. As much as I love good descriptive writing, sometimes you have to slow down a bit, and think about what is needed in your story, and what is not. I understand how everyone tries to get their book to be very descriptive, because they think it will make the book good. No it won't, at least when it's too much. Try to be descriptive about things that'll matter in the story, and less descriptive about small needless details. I noticed very good written dialogue and that made me sooo happy. Because I really can't find a good dialouge these days when wattpad is full of bad readings. Also, I really fell in love with the characters in the book. Their stories were very well told in the book, and I think made every reader fell in love with them. Afterall, an amazing book!

1st place: Battle of the killers by: KozmicKookieDxD

Score: 112/115

Judges comment: This book is a piece of perfection. Everything is so well done! Plot, Characters, Dialogue, Graphics. The moment I saw your 'cast' and the trailer (I really despise them, but this one seemed soo good. Maybe because of the Aestethics) I was so excited, and your book didn't leave me disappointed! Everything was very good, and it could be seen it's been edited. Your effort was shown on every chapter, every Aesthetic, every gif. I was amazed by your storytelling skills when reading. Characters were very good 'designed' and their stories too. I love how the main character battles between two sides of herself on her own unique way. Her story pulled me into the story, and placed me on her place, her view of the world. And that's what I look in a book. Every her action was made with some deeper intention, bad or good. Afterall that perfection, came an realistic horror parts where your characters had to battle for their life trough the game. Jelousy was very well expressed. Infact, everything was very good. Only one flaw your story has, and that's the number of similar stories by idea. There are many stories about games like those in your book, but I don't believe there's a better one than yours. Keep it that way! Your book really amazed me!

Congrats to every one who won, and thank you all you have entered. Pm KEKamalP to recieve comments on your book. You may now use your badges.

For those who didn't win and want to know your score private message  this account your book title and genre. We hope you will use them to improve your story because they were all truly amazing.

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