Spiritual winners (season 1)

40 2 3

3rd place: Where is she... Marwajowsi2000

Score:  86/115

Judges comment: Some grammar and spelling was off. The characters were good but you introduced all the characters at once. Which is hard to comprehend. It's a good idea. Your effort is good but you need to spend a little more time editing.

2nd place: God's lesson ventdog

Score 94/115

Judges comment: Very few grammar mistakes. Good characters the flow was of little, almost choppy. Pacing jumped alot. I could tell you put an effort into it. Perhaps it's just my justice driven mind, but I had trouble enjoying the story. Maybe that's just me but even if she did forgive them the law should have still known that they lied in court, they could have taken it off her record and given her a retribution. I know that it's about forgiveness and she found her purpose while she was in jail, but still.  Don't get me wrong you are a great writer, it's just that this story has some political inaccuracies that I wasn't a fan of. (Read 3)

1st place: Breaking point Aeseeyerh

Score: 96/115

Judges comment: Very few grammar mistakes. Great characterization and names. Descriptions are good. Pacing is confusing at times. (My biggest thing is when it cut from Zara and Imran) But overall it was pretty good. I could tell you put a lot of effort in this story. It was very good. (However chapter 5 is basically chapter with an added paragraph.....not sure if that's the purpose of what. (Read 5 chapters)

Congrats to every one who won, and thank you all you have entered. PM KEKamalP to receive comments on your book you may now use your badges.

For those who didn't win and marked you wanted your score on your form. Private message this account your genre and book name to receive your score and judges comment. We hope you will use them to improve your story because they were all truly amazing.

If you have any questions are concerns contact your judge Trekkiehood

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