chapter 2 - The Rising Sage

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From 2.01 "In My Time of Dying", in the basement of the hospital, Azazel let his eyes glow yellow.

Ramiel: (voice over from 12.12 Stuck in the Middle (With You)) "Azazel was a fanatic."

From 12.13 "Family Feud", in the alley, Dagon let her eyes glow yellow.

Ramiel: (voice over from 12.12 Stuck in the Middle (With You)) "Dagon has her toys."

From 12.12 "Stuck in the Middle (With You)", in Ramiel's house, Ramiel let his eyes glow yellow.

Ramiel: (voice over from 12.12 Stuck in the Middle (With You)) "If anyone bothers a Prince of Hell..."

From 12.12 "Stuck in the Middle (With You)", in the barn, there was flashes of the family fighting with Ramiel. Amara stabbed him in the chest with the Lance of Michael, killing him.

Ramiel: (voice over from 12.12 Stuck in the Middle (With You)) "You don't wanna know what happens."

From 12.23 "All Along the Watchtower", in the Apocalypse World, the family and Brandon were transported through the rift into the world.

"It's a world were you, Ariel and Faith were raised on the evil side of things, Sabrina," Levi explained.

Sabrina, Ariel and Faith looked around in shock.

"You mean..." Ariel trailed off.

"All of this..." Sabrina trailed off.

"We did this?" Faith asked.

"Not you," Sam answered. "Other versions of you."

"There was a legend way before I was born that said I could either destroy the world or save it," Sabrina told them. "This is what our world would have looked like if I didn't save it? If I destroyed it instead?"

All of them were in shock, looking around at the death and destruction.

From 12.19 "The Future", in the Bunker, the entire family and Brandon, except for Octavia, were gathered. Sabrina, Levi, Castiel, Ariel and Faith seemed to feel something, close to what they and Ava had sensed in 12.08 LOTUS when they had sensed the conception of Lucifer's children, but a lot more powerful, making them hold their heads in pain.

Brandon: (voice over from 12.19 The Future) "Well, maybe that was the pulse. The pulse of power that Sabrina, Ariel, Faith, Cas and Levi felt. The other Angels, too."

From 12.23 "All Along the Watchtower", in the Apocalypse World, Crowley looked at Lucifer, stabbing himself with his Angel Blade, flashing with light.

Octavia: (voice over from 13.01 Lost and Found) "Crowley's dead."

From 12.23 "All Along the Watchtower", in the cabin, Ariel reached out to close Kelly's eyes.

Octavia: (voice over from 13.01 Lost and Found) "Kelly's dead."

From 12.23 "All Along the Watchtower", outside the cabin, Octavia's Angel Sword pierced through Castiel's chest from behind while Levi was run through with an Angel Blade, causing Castiel and Levi to flash with blindingly bright white light as everyone watched in shock.

Octavia: (voice over from 13.01 Lost and Found) "Levi and Cas are..."

Sabrina used her glowing white power to push Lucifer through the rift just as it was about to close, but Lucifer grabbed Sabrina by the arm to pull her with him. Mary tried to grab Sabrina to pull her back, being the closest one to the rift, but she ended up being pulled with them.

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