chapter 8 - The Scorpion and the Frog

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From 13.06 "Tombstone", outside the bank, Jack and Kai let their eyes glow, exchanging a look, nodding. The guard reached Dave just as Jack and Kai threw a blast of power at Dave, sending them both flying backward. The guard crashed into a post, dead.

Jack: (voice over from 13.06 Tombstone) "Kai and I killed someone. If I say, I'm gonna hurt you."

From 13.06 "Tombstone", in the Bunker, TFW 2.0 was talking.

"We both will," Kai told them. "And we can't. You're all we have."

Ariel and Faith walked closer, but Jack and Kai used their power to knock all of them backward across the room, making a shower of sparks, their eyes glowing.

Jack: (voice over from 13.06 Tombstone) "We have to go."

From 13.07 "War of Worlds", in the bar, Levi and Lucifer were sitting at the bar.

"It's bad enough the Winchesters were babysitting my sons, but then they managed to lose them?" Lucifer asked. "With Heaven, Hell, and everything in between hunting them down?"

"They know what that's like, you know, since the world has been hunting Sabrina, Amara, Aiden, Ariel and Faith down," Levi told them.

Asmodeus and his entourage of Demons walked into the bar.

"Asmodeus," Lucifer told him. "Oh, Levi's a lot more than Sabrina Winchester's boyfriend now, buddy. Apparently I'm not the only newbie dad."

Asmodeus smirked in amusement and realization. "Oh, Levi and Sabrina. Having their own?"

Asmodeus held his fingers up in what resembled bull horns, flicking out his fingers, magically throwing Levi and Lucifer across the bar, making them hit the glass, making it shatter, and making them fall to the ground.

Asmodeus: (voice over from 13.07 War of Worlds) "Levi is a card to play against the Winchesters to get to Ariel, Faith, Amara and Aiden. And especially if Sabrina returns to this world with her and Levi's children."

From 13.07 "War of Worlds", in Asmodeus' throne room, Levi and Lucifer were in their cell.

Asmodeus was talking to Ketch. "I will definitely need the Winchesters, and Jack and Kai."

From 13.07 "War of Worlds", outside the station, Sam, Dean, Catty, Ness, Castiel, Octavia, Amara, Ariel, Faith, Aiden, Brandon and Sage were standing together.

Dean saw the security footage on the tablet Ness was holding. "No. Is that..."

"Ketch," Brandon finished.

From 13.07 "War of Worlds", in the bar, Ketch was facing them.

"You think that we haven't noticed that Ava has been angrier, more violent, with you around?" Sam asked. "And it's because you're part of the reason she's spelled like this. You're purposefully making her more angry."

"Trying to distract her from killing me, actually," Ketch told them. "Like Brandon killed me. We were soldiers in opposing armies."

"Well, the thing about war is..." Sage trailed off, tilting her head, clicking her tongue. "One side wins."

Ketch whispered a quick spell that made Octavia's powers lash out at everything even when she didn't want them to, part of the old brainwashing spell. Everything shattered around them, Angelic light flashing around them, blinding them momentarily, making Octavia groan in agony and hold her head, while all of the furniture was thrown around toward them by Ava's power because of the spell, allowing Ketch enough time to get outside.

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