chapter 4 - The Big Empty

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From 13.01 "Lost and Found", in the Sheriff's office, while explaining to the Sheriff, Amara looked at her. "We kill monsters."

From 2.22 "All Hell Breaks Loose: Part 2", in the cemetery, Catty shot Azazel with the Colt, killing him.

From 3.04 "Bedtime Stories", in the crossroad, Dean shot Catty's Crossroads Demon with the Colt, killing him.

From 3.04 "Sin City", in the basement, Sam shot Evan the Demon with the Colt, killing him.

From 9.21 "King of the Damned", in the hotel, Ness stabbed Abaddon with the First Blade, lifting her off the ground, killing her.

From 12.12 "Stuck in the Middle (With You)", outside Ramiel's house, Sabrina raised her hands, letting them glow with bright white light so she could exorcise ten Demons without touching them, closing her fists to kill the Demon smoke, but save their vessels.

From 5.18 "Point of No Return", in the clearing, Octavia and Castiel were fighting and killing the two Angels that had attacked Octavia.

From 11.17 "Red Meat", in the alley, Levi was fighting and killing the Angels that had attacked and nearly killed him.

From 12.19 "The Future", in the basement, Ariel put her hand to Angel 2, smiting him, killing him. Faith held her hand toward Angel 1, using magic to make him turn his Angel Blade back around on him, stabbing him, killing him.

Sheriff: (voice over from 13.01 Lost and Found) "So what are you?"

From 13.02 "The Rising Sage", in the motel room, Amara's hand started to glow with red power as she, without realizing what she was doing, smoke Demon 3 dead. Aiden used his power to turn the Angel Blade around on Demon 4, making him stab himself and kill himself with a flash of light.

Sheriff: (voice over from 13.01 Lost and Found) "Some kind of superheroes?"

From 13.02 "The Rising Sage", in the hallway of the motel, Brandon knelt next to Demon 6 to stab him with his Angel Blade, killing him, throwing the Angel Blade toward Sage. Sage caught the Angel Blade, stabbing it through Demon 5's chin up into his head, killing him.

Dean: (voice over from 13.01 Lost and Found) "We're just people doing jobs."

From 13.02 "The Rising Sage", in the field, Jack, Kai, Ariel and Faith's eyes glowed, while they, Aiden and Amara raised their hands toward Asmodeus, and Octavia spun her Angel Sword. The earth started to shake around them from their combined power.

From 13.01 "Lost and Found", outside the cabin, everyone was gathered, getting ready to burn Castiel, Levi and Kelly's bodies for hunter's funerals.

Ness sighed heavily. "Well, goodbye, Cas. Goodbye, Levi. Goodbye, Kelly. Goodbye, Crowley."

Amara looked at Brandon sadly. "Goodbye, Mick."

"You know that over there, in the other world..." Ariel trailed off. "Sabrina is protecting Grandma Mary from Lucifer."

"Sabrina and Grandma Mary are alive," Aiden agreed. "But they're not here."

From 13.03 "Patience", in the Hybrid Cell on Apocalypse World, Sabrina and Mary were sitting in the cell. Sabrina held Mary by the hand. They looked at each other sadly.

Aiden: (voice over from 13.01 Lost and Found) "They're gone. They're all gone."

"Your evil counterpart is a Hybrid, Sabrina," Mary told her. "And she, and the evil versions of Ariel and Faith, have the Hybrid Tablet, and every other Tablet on this planet, causing them to be more powerful than anything we've faced before. And you're... carrying two Hybrids."

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