chapter 19 - Funeralia

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8.23 "Sacrifice", from the woods (Castiel), outside the church (Catty, Sam, Dean and Ness) and on the roof of the Bunker (Octavia and Kevin), they watched the Angels fall, including Young Sabrina.

Dumah: (voice over from 13.07 War of Worlds) "Levi, our numbers were greatly diminished after the fall. No one's made new Angels since the dawn of creation. We're going extinct."

From 13.07 "War of Worlds", at the sandbox, Levi looked at the Angels, including Dumah. "The reason you helped the British Men of Letters take and brainwash Ava was so that she could try to force Sabrina, Ariel and Faith Winchester to create more Angels."

The Angel sighed. "Levi, we hear you have influence with Octavia, Ariel and Faith. They'll listen to you."

"No," Levi told them. "I will not help you."

"Ever the renegade," the Angel told him.

The Angels fought against Levi, with Levi killing one.

From 13.12 "Various & Sundry Villains", in the hotel room, Rowena was casting the unbinding spell. Warding ribbons binding Rowena appeared, beginning to break one by one. She looked ahead, eyes glowing with a bright purple light.

Ness: (voice over from 13.12 Various & Sundry Villains) "You just let the deadliest Witch in the world walk away with a page from this book."

From 13.12 "Various & Sundry Villains", in the Bunker, they were talking.

"We know that it's because she says that she can use that spell to track down the reversal spell that we need to reverse the brainwashing on Ava's mind permanently," Castiel told them.

"And if Rowena was lying and she breaks bad?" Catty asked.

"We will hunt her down ourselves and kill her," Dean answered.

From 13.17 "The Thing", in the kitchen of the Bunker, they were talking.

"Rowena and Ketch contacted," Castiel explained. "They did help Brandon narrow down where the reversal spell could be."

From 13.17 "The Thing", in the Bunker, they were talking.

"Did you find the reversal spell?" Sam asked.

"Yes, but we can't be the ones to cast it," Levi answered.

"It has to be cast by the ones that healed Ava the most," Castiel explained. "Ariel and Faith would have to cast it, because it's their power that was keeping Ava sane before."

From 13.05 "Advanced Thanatology", in the haunted asylum, Catty held up two large syringes to show her brothers. "One needle stops the heart, the other one starts it up again."

"Cat, you're talking about killing yourself," Dean told her.

Catty prepared the syringe. "Yeah, well, it worked before."

"That's an insane risk to take," Dean told her.

Catty plunged the needle into her chest before they could stop her.

"Catty!" Sam told her.

Later in the Veil, the Reaper Jessica introduced herself to Catty. "Hello, my name is Jessica, and I'm here to lead you to your next life."

Billie appeared behind Catty. "Hey, Catty."

Catty turned to face her. "Billie. No, I saw Levi kill you."

From 10.23 "Lover's Keeper", in the bar, Ness swung the scythe over Sabrina's head, turning to stab Death in the chest. Death turned to ash, crumbling into dust on the floor.

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