chapter 13 - Devil's Bargain

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From 13.07 "War of Worlds", in the Hybrid Cell, Sabrina was trapped in a person-sized cage warded all around with hybrid Warding. AW Sabrina, Ariel and Faith were standing around her.

"That paradise you left behind?" AW Faith asked. "Believe we'll take up residence."

Sabrina looked at them incredulously. "You guys are really so far fallen that you're gonna bring back your dead family to be as evil as you are now so that you can use them to fight my family whenever they come?"

From 13.07 "War of Worlds", in the AW hideout, AW Kevin was explaining. "I've assembled all the elements annotated in the Angel Tablets."

Kevin poured Lucifer's Grace into the spell.

Kevin: (voice over from 13.07 War of Worlds) "The key ingredient. Archangel Grace."

From 13.02 "The Rising Sage", in the throne room, Asmodeus let his eyes glow yellow, smirking.

Lucifer: (voice over from 13.12 Various & Sundry Villains) "Asmodeus was my weakest creation."

From 13.07 "War of Worlds", in the bar, Asmodeus held his fingeers up in what resembled bull horns, flicking out his fingers, magically throwing Levi and Lucifer across the bar, making them hit the glass, making it shatter and them fall to the ground.

Levi: (voice over from 13.12 Various & Sundry Villains) "Doesn't seem that weak to me."

From 13.02 "The Rising Sage", at Hell's Gate, the chaotic power from Amara and Aiden caused the illusion of Sage on Asmodeus fade away, making him appear in his real form, his eyes glowing yellow.

Lucifer: (voice over from 13.12 Various & Sundry Villains) "That whole shape-shifty thing he does? I didn't give him that."

From 13.12 "Various & Sundry Villains", in their cells, Levi and Lucifer got out. Levi put his hand on Dipper's head, smiting him with a bright white light, killing him, letting him fall dead.

Levi: (voice over from 13.12 Various & Sundry Villains) "Someone got mad and broke his warding."

From 13.09 "The Bad Place" in the Hybrid Cell, Ariel, Faith, Jack and Kai appeared in the cell. Sabrina and Mary stood in shock. Sabrina, Ariel and Faith cried happily in relief to be reunited, embracing happily.

Octavia: (voice over from 13.11 Breakdown) "Sabrina, Ariel and Faith, Kai and Jack and Mary are trapped in another universe."

From 13.11 "Breakdown", in the library, everyone was trying to reassure Octavia, Aiden and Amara.

"I promise you that we can help you balance it with how and who you really are," Ness told them. "And we can make sure all of you stay true to you."

From 13.12 "Various & Sundry Villains", in their cell, Lucifer was pacing, talking to Levi. "If somebody would be a pal and let me eat a little of his Grace, I would have enough strength."

From 13.12 "Various & Sundry Villains", in the woods, Lucifer looked at Levi. "I need you, Levi, ironically. For both versions of Sabrina, Ariel and Faith and your kids."

Levi stabbed Lucifer in the stomach with his Angel Blade as deep it would go. "I'm not letting anyone use me to get to Sabrina and my children. But I am going to find a way to save them."



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