chapter 9 - The Bad Place

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From 13.03 "Patience", in Patience's vision, Patience saw the Wraith killing James, Jody and Dean.

Patience: (voice over from 13.03 Patience) "I saw what happened before it happened."

"Jody, behind you!" Patience told her.

Catty looked at Patience. "How did you..."

"Guess I'm Psychic," Patience answered.

From 13.03 "Patience", in the Turner House, Sage looked at James. "Your daughter is Psychic."

"Dad?" Patience asked. "Is it true?"

"Yes," James answered. "I spent my entire childhood terrified of monsters. I didn't want that life for you."

From 13.03 "Patience", outside the Turner House, Patience looked at Sam, Dean, Catty, Sage and Jody. "Maybe he's right."

"He is," Dean told her. "So if you get a chance at normal, you take it."

Jody walked toward Patience. "You don't have to listen to them, if it's not what you really want. It's your choice. But if you ever need someone to talk to or someplace to go, my door is always open."

Jody handed Patience a card.

Earlier, Sage turned to Jody. "I should probably go with them. You know, they're more equipped with handling soulless Prophets."

Jody smiled a little, nodding. "I know they are. You be good, Sage Sanders. You hear?"

Sage smirked, nodding, winking. "What else would I be? See you, Jody."

From 13.01 "Lost and Found", in the nursery, Jack and Kai screamed, starting to throw Sam, Octavia, Dean, Ness, Catty, Amara, Brandon and Aiden through the air. Ariel and Faith started to scream in the same way to counteract the blasts from Kai and Jack, causing all of the windows in the cabin to shatter, and also allowing the others to fall to the floor without getting hurt.

Brandon: (voice over from 13.02 The Rising Sage) "Kai and Jack are like Ariel and Faith. They're Nephilims."

From 12.15 "Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell", in Crowley's throne room, Lucifer started to glow brightly. His wings appeared on the wall behind him.

Octavia: (voice over from 13.02 The Rising Sage) "The reason why Kai and Jack's power is stronger than Ariel and Faith's power is because their father is Lucifer."

From 12.23 "All Along the Watchtower", outside the cabin, Sabrina used her glowing white power to push Lucifer through the rift just as it was about to close, but Lucifer grabbed Sabrina by the arm to pull her with him. Mary tried to grab Sabrina to pull her back, being the closest one to the rift, but she ended up being pulled with them.

Catty: (voice over from 13.02 The Rising Sage) "Ariel and Faith are still praying that either they, Kai or Jack can open the rift to the other world. To save Mom and Sabrina."

From 13.03 "Patience", in Ariel's room, Ariel, Kai, Faith and Jack were sitting on the floor.

"And with them gone..." Faith trailed off.

"Everyone is really sad," Jack finished.

"If we do this, then we might be able to make everyone happy again," Kai told them.

"And we could find a way to save Sabrina and Grandma Mary, too," Ariel added.

From 13.06 "Tombstone", outside the bank, the guard reached Dave just as Jack and Kai threw a blast of power at Dave, sending them both flying backward. The guard crashed into a post, dead.

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