chapter 12 - Various & Sundry Villains

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From 12.23 "All Along the Watchtower", in the Bunker, the family was on the phone with Lucifer.

"Oh, if you're looking for Rowena, she is presently indisposed," Lucifer told them. "Which is a delicate way of saying, I stomped on her face till the white meat showed, and then set her on fire, just in case."

From 13.07 "War of Worlds", in the bar, TFW 2.0 minus Sabrina and Levi faced off with Ketch.

Castiel looked at Ketch. "You're hunting for Rowena."

"She's dead," Ariel told him.

"Is she?" Ketch asked.

From 13.07 "War of Worlds", in the Apocalypse World, the AW girls were holding Sabrina, Lucifer and AW Kevin captive.

AW Faith took the vial from Kevin, turning to Lucifer. "We don't have to have Archangel Grace. Because there's plenty in the cupboard."

AW Sabrina closed her fist, causing Lucifer so much pain magically that he started to bleed from the eyes. "Don't worry. We won't take it all. Save some for a rainy day."

AW Ariel smirked. "You'll be mostly Human. Not dead yet."

From 13.07 "War of Worlds", in the bar, Levi and Lucifer sat at their table.

"You would seem to be the weak link on this team," Levi told him.

"Yes, my Grace is a little bit depleted, but give me time, Levi," Lucifer told him.

Later when Asmodeus walked in.

"Oh, Levi's a lot more than Sabrina Winchester's boyfriend now," Lucifer told him. "Apparently I'm not the only newbie dad."

Asmodeus smirked in amusement and realization. "Oh, Levi and Sabrina. Having their own?"

Asmodeus held his fingers up in what resembled bull horns, flicking out his fingers, magically throwing Levi and Lucifer across the bar, making them hit the glass, making it shatter and them fall to the ground.

Asmodeus: (voice over from 13.07 War of Worlds) "Levi is a card to play against the Winchesters to get to Ariel, Faith, Amarra and Aiden, and especially if Sabrina returns to this world with her and Levi's children."

From 13.07 "War of Worlds", in Asmodeus' throne room, Levi and Lucifer were in their cell, watching Asmodeus and Ketch talk.

"But we have to be careful regarding using Levi against them," Asmodeus told him. "Because they could very well find a way to save him while killing the rest of us, like they've done before to save their family, easily."

From 13.11 "Breakdown", in the building, Amara used her power to break every bone in Marlon's body, making him fall to the floor on his knees, making him yell out in pain and agony. Aiden used his power to pin Marlon to the wall.

Sage: (voice over from 13.04 The Big Empty) "Aiden and Amara are getting beyond restless from being cooped up. Like they have to do something to work out the anger and their power so that they can feel normal again."

Aiden walked closer, snapping his fingers, breaking more bones with each snap.

Ness: (voice over from 13.04 The Big Empty) "Like I did when I had the Mark. Only now, they don't have to kill to stay alive."

From 13.11 "Breakdown", in the harvest room, Aiden used the shadow that he still had wrapped around the harvester's wrist to throw him against the wall, making him fall, nearly losing himself in a kill.

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