chapter 23 - Let the Good Times Roll

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From 13.01 "Lost and Found", in the station, Dean introduced themselves to the Sheriff. "My name is Dean Winchester. This is my wife, Ness Singer-Winchester. Our son and daughter, Aiden and Amara."

From 13.01 "Lost and Found", in the cells, Catty, Sam, Octavia, Ariel, Faith, Jack and Kai were locked up together.

Ness: (voice over from 13.01 Lost and Found) "The people you locked in with Jack and Kai? That's Sam and Catty Winchester. Octavia, who we call Ava."

From 13.22 "Exodus", in the Apocalypse World, Sabrina closed her fist to use her power to cause Lucifer pain, annoyed. Ethan and Izzy's power combined with Sabrina's made him double over in pain.

Aiden: (voice over from 13.01 Lost and Found) "Sabrina..."

From 13.01 "Lost and Found", in the cells, Ariel and Faith let their eyes glow.

Aiden: (voice over from 13.01 Lost and Found) "Ariel and Faith Winchester."

From 13.03 "Patience", in the Big Empty, Castiel and Levi woke up, looking around.

Aiden: (voice over from 13.01 Lost and Found) "Uncle Cas. Levi."

From 13.03 "Patience", in the defunct base, Brandon stabbed Man 1 with a blade in the stomach, killing him, slashing Man 2 in the stomach, spinning to stand behind him, shooting him in the head, killing him.

Aiden: (voice over from 13.01 Lost and Found) "The guy with the British accent is Brandon Davies."

From 13.02 "The Rising Sage", in the motel room, Sage sat on the couch, looking at everyone. "Sage Sanders."

From 13.21 "Exodus", in the Bunker, Brett was making a toast. "Ethan and Isabella Winchester."

"Izzy!" Izzy corrected.

From 13.21 "Exodus", outside the abandoned mansion, everyone met up together.

Amara: (voice over from 13.01 Lost and Found) "We kill monsters."

From 13.12 "Various & Sundry Villains", in the Bunker, Sage was spinning sunglasses in her hand. "Well, this is boring. Is there... I don't know, music?"

(Song:) Carry On My Wayward Son - Kansas

From 13.22 "Exodus", in the Apocalypse World, Sabrina, Ethan, Izzy, Levi, Aiden, Amara and Octavia used their power to throw Lucifer out of the cabin, making him land in front of Gabriel, Brandon and Sage, who all looked unsurprised but amused.

From 13.18 "Bring 'Em Back Alive", in the Apocalypse World", Castiel was fighting Angel 1, pushing him into the tree, staking him with his Angel Sword, killing him with a flash of light. Levi twisted Angel 4's arm behind his back so he could reach his arm around him to stab him in the chest with his Angel Blade, killing him.

From 13.03 "Patience", in the defunct base, Brandon slit Man 4 in the stomach with his blade, shooting him in the chest, kicking him down dead.

From 13.22 "Exodus", in the Apocalypse World, seeing the 10 Angels, Castiel, Levi and Gabriel drew their Angel Blades. Octavia drew her Angel Sword. Catty, Sam, Dean, Ness, Brandon, Sage, Mary and other Humans aimed their guns. Sabrina, Ethan, Izzy, Ariel, Faith, Amara, Aiden, Jack and Kai prepared to use their powers. Ethan and Izzy were able to turn the 10 Angels into Grace and dust, disintegrating them with a thought.

From 13.07 "War of Worlds", in the bar, Dean stabbed Demon 1 in the chest with an Angel Blade, killing him. Ariel held her hand toward her Demon, using her power to dangle him in the air with waves of power, circling around him, using her power to disintegrate him into smoke, killing him. Faith grabbed her Demon by its head to smite it with a powerful blow of power.

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