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Sorry for the wait, guys. :)

Amber Heard - Catty Winchester

Ashley Greene - Ness Singer-Winchester

Holland Roden - Octavia

Chloe Moretz - Sabrina Winchester

Samantha Isler - Amara Winchester

Katherine McNamara - Ariel/Faith Winchester

Cody Christian - Aiden Winchester

Dylan Sprayberry - Levi

Tom Holland - Brandon Davies

Skyler Samuels - Sage Sanders

Dominic Sherwood - Kai Kline

Gavin Warren - Ethan Winchester

Valentina Gordon - Izzy Winchester

Garrett Hedland - AW Brett Blake

From 13.08 "The Scorpion and the Frog", in Shrike's vault, Jensen / Dean was messing around when his hand was in the statue's mouth.

From 13.06 "Tombstone", in the hotel room, TFW 2.0 was gathered. Katherine / Ariel was on the computer, while saying both Ariel and Faith's lines.

Amber / Ness frowned. "How did you learn how to do that, Ariel?"

Katherine leaned over to Faith's place to speak Faith's line, speaking in an innocent voice. "Ariel and I learned by watching you, Aunt Ness. You and Mom. And Aunt Catty. And Dad. Why?"

Katherine leaned over back at the computer to speak for Ariel. "And don't forget Amara, too."

Katherine leaned over back to Faith's place to speak for Faith. "Right."

The others were trying not to laugh at the hilarious way Katherine was playing both characters.

Holland / Octavia smiled a little. "Sam?" Jared / Sam looked at her. "We taught Ariel and Faith well." Holland / Octavia looked at Samantha / Amara, Amber / Catty and Ashley / Ness. "You three did, too."

Samantha / Amara, Amber / Catty and Ashley / Ness chuckled. "Yeah."

Jared / Sam smirked, nodding. "Hell, yeah, we did."

They all smiled, laughing lightly.

"What the fuck?" Alex / Jack asked in amusement.

Dominic / Kai looked at Katherine. "I'm never gonna get used to seeing that."

"Seeing what?" Cody / Aiden asked.

"Seeing Kat try to play both Ariel and Faith at the same time," Dominic / Kai answered.

Cody / Aiden smiled. "Right."

"Me neither," Alex / Jack told them.

Skyler / Sage smirked, shrugging. "What can we say? Kat can act."

They all laughed. It was another take.

Cody / Aiden looked at the computer. "Who's driving?"

"That's him," Dylan / Levi told them. "That's David Mather."

Dean knelt down, zooming in on the traffic camera to see the driver. "Holy crap."

"What?" Dylan / Levi asked.

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