Chapter 0: The Letter

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"I bet that's it!" Mom cheered with a ringy tone.

"No way! What would I be, a SHSL Firefly Catcher!?" I asked sarcastically. The post man rung the doorbell constantly, "Coming!"

I opened the door to find a grumpy old lady throwing an envelope at me. She grunted and finally spoke, "This is from one of dem schools!"

The envelope fell to the cold marble floor and the post woman stormed off. I watched her stomp away and then gently closed the door. For a few minutes I just stared at the envelope, facing face flat on the ground. It looked old like the paper in those pirate movies and it was chipping slightly.

"Well, aren't you going to read it?" Mom asked while taking the laundry basket to my room.

"Oh! Y-yeah." I replied suddenly coming out of my thoughts. I picked it up and turned it around, there was one of those wax stamps or whatever on it, the stamp was green and smooth and it had the letter O molded into it.

I was confused, was this from Ogre High? Believe it or not, Ogre High is one of the best schools in the country! Scratch that, the world! I pulled the stamp off the envelope, some paper chipped of and flew in my face. I shook my head to get them away and stared back at the letter.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, I opened the envelope flap, I opened my eyes to see a new looking paper, which definitely was different from the envelope. I pulled out the letter and unfolded it.

Dear Leafy Green,

You have been invited to enrol at Object Peak, the school where only the best of one's kind can learn and discover new life opportunities. You will enrol as the SHSL Environmentalist as you are always studying nature and love forests. We hope you show up at orientation on August 12th, see you there!

Headmaster Glasses

I squealed in excitement and quickly scanned over the letter again for reassurance. I even pinched myself to see if it was true, it was! Object Peak has been my dream school ever since I was 10, this was awesome!

My mother speed walked in to see why I squealed, "What happened?" She asked slightly excited, slightly concerned.

I simply nodded with a huge cheek to cheek smile on my face. My mother stared at me in awe.

"We have to celebrate with pot pie! Vegetarian of course." My mom lit up. I am a vegetarian so that might support the whole environmentalist thing.

That reminded me, I found it kind of creepy that someone would be watching me, like how did they know I was into nature and stuff?

"What'd you get!?" My mother asked.

"What do you mean?" I was confused, what did I get?

"As your talent! It's not firefly catcher, I hope." My Mother replied, she elbowed my arm when talking about the firefly catcher thing.

"No, I got environmentalist." I explained contently.

"You love nature so that makes sense, anyway, if we're going to celebrate with pot pie, I need to start now!" My Mother stood up and walked into the kitchen, I stared out the living room window thinking about how orientation will go.

Short intro to an unexpected book, I know, I just really wanted to write this book and I can alternate, so when I finish a chapter for The Forgotten Friend, I can start a new chapter on this. I hope you enjoyed this intro!

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