Chapter 3b: Motive

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Leafy's POV

"Alright, everyone! Sit tight and listen up!" Fourokuma announced, "I am going to tell you your first motive!" I was feeling nervous, it felt like I had butterflies fluttering around in my stomach with the occasional bee sting.

"Already!? But we just got here!" Flower protested. Even though Flower generally was disliked and not the smartest, she made a fair point.

"I want to get the despair running through your veins!" Fourokuma snickered, he rubbed his hands together in a circular motion like a comic book villain.

"So, uh, what is it?" Eraser hesitantly spoke up.

"Dude!" Pen lightly slapped Eraser's shoulder, "Why did you ask!?"

"Sorry, but you know he's gonna tell us even if I hadn't said anything." Eraser rebutted. Eraser also makes a fair point.

"Honestly, I have to agree with Eraser, let's just get this over with." Golf Ball said bluntly.

"Alright! Under your plates are photos of dear friends of yours, your motive to kill is basically this," Fourokuma explained, "your friends will be assassinated, and the only way to save them is to kill and get away with it!"

"What!?" Match yelled, "You monster!"

"Yeah, yeah, I know." Fourokuma waved her off, "Oh! And before I forget, there's also a video for you in your rooms!"

I looked at the photo, it's of my friend, Hook, we've been friends since we were children, I don't want to lose him. This whole thing is a mean trick, I don't think I can make it through this. I don't know what to do! I don't want to murder, but I don't want to know that my childhood friends will die.

"I don't think I'm hungry anymore...." Bubble mumbled. I agree with her.

"Yeah, same." I spoke up, "I need time to myself.

"Understandable, I think it'd be best if we all went back to our rooms." Needle stood up, we should all head back.

I stood up like everyone else, and started making my way back, I then heard huffing and my name being called out.

"Leafy! Leafy!"

It was Coiny's voice. I turned around and I saw Coiny, TB, Pin, Icy, and Rocky.

"We want to just say, we think we should all support each other through this." Rocky said, moving closer to me, "We're all here for you."

"Thanks guys, I appreciate your kindness." I smiled looking away, tears started forming in my eyes, my cheeks started turning red.

"Hey! Don't cry! You're face is turning as red as your eyes!" TB smiled sweetly and genuinely. (The characters have cartoon eyes with Danganronopa irises, Leafy has red eyes)

I laughed a bit and smiled back.

"Thanks guys." I thanked them, then I had an idea that would make us all feel better, "Hey, maybe we could all watch our videos together, help each other, and we could get Woody and Golf Ball to join us."

"That's a great idea!" Icy cheered, honestly, it was a little creepy how Icy didn't seem remotely sad, although, she's most likely just trying to get through it by acting positive.

"I'll get GB and Woody over!" TB said and saluted, then he ran off.

"I guess we just wait here." Pin said after a couple seconds of silence.

"Yeah....." Coiny agreed, a couple more seconds went by and then TB came back with GB and Woody.

" Got'em!" TB said aloud. Woody shyly waved and Golf Ball avoided eye contact while wearing a slight somber look on her face.

"How about we grab our videos and meet in my room?" Pin suggested. We nodded and went our separate ways.

I walked over to my room, scanned my face and walked inside. I looked for it, I noticed the drawer in my desk was open, I looked inside and in it, was a tablet.

I grabbed it and turned it on.

"Hello Leafy Green, this is the X-tra Motive Tablet."

I didn't know what to do, so I idiotically responded to the device.


This had to be it, so I clutched my hand tightly around it and ran out the room to Pin's room. When I got there, I rang the doorbell. Pin opened the door.

"You're here, finally!" Pin half scolded, she moved aside to then let me in.

"We've decided collectively that we'd go alphabetically," Golf Ball informed, "which means.......I'm.....first....."

"It's ok, GB! We're here for ya!" Coiny winked and put an arm around her, "We're your friends!"

Coiny's words were simple, but enough for most of us to feel happier, especially Golf Ball. Golf Ball grabbed the tablet from behind her and turned it on. She then swiped a bit and pushed a couple buttons.

"Alright, I've got it open, are you guys ready?" Golf Ball asked.

"The more important question is, are you ready?" I asked her back, she stared at me for a couple seconds, then she nodded with the confidence of a professional athlete. Then she pushed play.

"Golf Ball Putts, SHSL Mathematician," Said the tablet, it was Fourokuma's voice, "Her best friend, Chalk, had only been best friends for a year, but their friendship was tight and unbreakable. Hey, GB, she has something to say!"

"Golf me......." Chalk muttered weakly, she had injuries, scapes, bruises, lots of others, then, she got whipped, "AAAAAAHHH! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

Then the video cut off and a picture of Golf Ball came up

"Will Golf Ball save her friend or let her die? Find out when the first murder occurs!" The tablet said, "Oh, one more thing, Golf Ball, there's a weapon in your closet if you're considering killing a classmate, maybe Tenni-"

Golf Ball shut it off with anger.

"NO! I CAN'T!" GB cried, she turned to Tennis Ball and cried in his embrace, "I......can't.....I......wouldn't......"

"Shhhhh, it's okay, we're here for you." TB said calmly, "Hey, Icy, are you sure you want to go through with this?"

Ice Cube nodded with a determined expression on her face.

"If Golf Ball has to feel the pain, I think it's only right that we all also feel the pain and help each other with the experiences." Ice Cube stated, she said those words with such passion, that it made me ready to show my video too.

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