Chapter 2c: Motivation

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We all tapped on the motive button and waited for Four to explain. Some people were shaking because they knew it was the 'best' part.

"Has everyone made it onto the Motive button?" Fourokuma asked. We all nodded our heads almost in sync.

"Alright, do we have a volunteer?" Four continued, I looked around the room, everyone was dead silent, looking around to see if anyone wanted to read.

"Hmmmm, how about Leaderman?" X whispered to Four. His face lit up in realisation.

"Pencil! You're the SHSL Writer, so you can read, go on." Four volunteered for Pencil.

"Ugh fine! The motive is a little kickstart and/or reason to commit a murder. These could range from minor treasure losses, to huge secrets, either way, it's start commotion." Pencil read aloud, "Am I done?"

"Yeppers! Any questions?" Four asked.

"Yeah! When do we get these motives?" Pen asked.

"You'll get your next motive after breakfast the day after the class trial ended!" Four smiled and closed his eyes.

"How do you get the information to know what'll really get to us?" I called out.

"That's private information, Mr. Flame." Four shook his finger at me while giving a stern look, SB laughed a bit at me getting scolded.

"Anything else?" Four asked. We all stared blankly at him as he looked around. His shoulders then sunk down to show his relaxation.

"So, what now?" Pin asked from the front, "I mean, you've explained everything, now what?"

"I've got your dorm keys if you want to settle in while you can." X suggested, the last part while you can sent chills down the back f my spine.

Four then started tossing people their keys, I was be of the last people to get my keys, when I started walking to the dorms (there was a sign), Match ran up to me.

"Hey, Firey!" Match greeted cheerfully. I turned see her right next to me.

"Oh, hi! What's up? Why aren't you with your friends?" I asked confused.

"Oh, Pencil dragged Bubble as soon as they both got their keys, they were two of the first people to get theirs." Match explained, a little annoyance showed in her eyes.

"Oh, well, you can walk with me!" I suggested, she smiled and nodded at my suggestion, "Oh, by the way, how are you so positive?"

"This is going to sound Super cheesy, but, being a photographer, just like with my camera, I capture the beautiful and happy moments, it just kind of gave me this positive attitude!" Match explained, smiling through the entire thing.

"Yeah, that does sound kinda cheesy, but it sounds like it works!" Match nudged me while I laughed. We continued walking until we reached the dorm area, I looked and saw that a popup, well, popped up on my Four Exe, it stated that a new part has been added, I swiped the popup and waited for it.

When it came on screen, there was a map, the dining area, the dorms, the gym, the pool, and everything on this floor, except the mysterious room I passed earlier (Yes, everyone passed it), the one labeled 'Judge Room, Keep Out!'

I looked at the dorm area, I was on the far left, next to Leafy, and in font of me was Rocky. I saw that Bubble looked pretty unhappy being next to Flower, and Spongy grinned in delight, not sure why, but he was happy.

"Well, it looks like we're on opposite sides." Match pointed toward the right. I looked at the map and sure enough, Match was in the other dorm area.

"That's sad." I glumly stared, "You're really nice, so it's definitely sad."

"Aren't you forgetting? We still can talk during the day!" Match laughed aloud.

"Oh yeah, right." I realised, also beginning to laugh.

"Maybe we should go settle in like the others." Match suggested. I nodded and as we walked away we waved to each other.

My room was all the way on the far corner, great. That means I am further away from everything. But it wasn't a problem since I was only a few meters away from Leafy's door.

I assumed the lock mechanic worked like the Four Exe so I put my face up to it, sure enough, I was allowed in. When I went in, not many people had figured that out, only GB, TB, Rocky, and Pin had figured it out.

When Leafy saw me, she copied me and put her face up to the lock panel, I didn't know if anyone else had figured it out too because I was already in my room.

When I looked around I saw a bunch of things related to me, there was a sash hook, photographs of scouts and former scout leaders, there was a fake moose head on the walls. My bed was made of metal with a fireproof gold sheet and a fireproof orange blanket and pillow.

It was nice, I plopped on the bed and laid there for a while, I looked next to me, there was a clock that read 6:32pm and next to that was a scout book, I decided to read it until dinner, whenever that was.

About 1 1/2 hours after I started reading, Fourokuma started speaking through a speaker, I looked around the room, trying to locate where the speaking was coming from. I saw in the corner of the room, a yellow speaker was booming, I assumed that's where it was coming from.

"Everyone! Meet at the lunch hall, it's dinner time! We have gourmet fish tonight and for Leafy, you get a veggie burger!" Fourokuma yelled through the speaker.

"Hmm, sounds good, I guess I'll head down then, I mean, I am super hungry." I muttered to myself. Then, I pulled out my Four Exe to see where the lunch hall was, it said it was down two hallways, it's not that far.

I gathered my stuff, well, anything I'd need and headed for the door.

I gathered my stuff, well, anything I'd need and headed for the door

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