Chapter 5c: Game Night

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The 14 of us playing the games got set up, we divided ourselves to do different tasks, I was put with Needle, Eraser and Coiny to make snacks.

"So what should we make?" Needle asked politely, walking to the fridge.

"I was thinking spaghetti-" Coiny suggested, but got slapped lightly on the head by Needle, who toward over him.

"We're making game snacks, not dinner." Needle pointed out, "However, I do think it would be a great idea to make something homemade!"

"Yeah! I have mad cooking skills! I can help with anything!" Eraser stretched out his hands cracking his fingers, he looked like he was about to fight some villain in a cartoon, if that means anything.

"How about chicken nuggets!?" Coiny yelled. He got another slap from Needle.

"We definitely won't have enough ingredients to make enough for 14 people." Needle explained.

"Well, if we're going with something that uses minimal supplies, but also feeds a lot of people, we could make popcorn!" I suggested. The other three looked at me in gratefulness.

"That's a pretty rad idea, but it's not homemade." Eraser replied, " I still want's to show how amazing I am at cooking!"

"Yeah, homemade would be good too, we can have more than one snack anyway." Needle added.

"I've got it! It's better than chicken nuggets!" Coiny exclaimed. He stopped, we all stared at him expecting to go on.

"What are you waiting for?" I asked.

"Oh yeah, sorry." Coiny apologised, "We should do mozzarella sticks! They're small and you only need cheese and breadcrumbs!"

"That's a good idea!" Needle complimented Coiny. Eraser's eyes lit up.

"Dude." Eraser said.

"Dude." Coiny replied.



"Dude, you don't know how rad that idea is!" Eraser exclaimed after that weird exchange between the two boys. Needle and I just stared at them, weirded out.

"Let's just start." I blurted out, "Coiny, Needle, could you go look for the ingredients?"

"Aye, sir!" Coiny saluted. Needle slapped him on the back of the head again.

"Stop being an idiot." Needle scolded him like a strict mother.

They had gone into the pantry which left Eraser and I to do the preparations for this cooking session.

"So, Mr. Chef, what do we need to make this dish?" I teasingly asked.

"First off, you shall call me Master Chef as you are my apprentice." Eraser stared back at me.

"Ok, I'm not calling you that, I'm literally older than you."

Eraser struggled to find an argument so he just blew a raspberry. We moved on from that encounter and got the air fryer and bowls we needed to use.

"Well, our job was easy, huh?" Eraser clapped his hands like he actually did anything painstaking.

"Pretty much." I responded and as if on cue, Needle and Coiny came back with the ingredients.

"You know, it's very hard to find breadcrumbs! Like, can't there be signs or something in that pantry?" Coiny ranted.

"You're being a little overdramatic, it was the size of this kitchen." Needle rolled her eyes. The kitchen was about the size of a kitchen you might find in a restaurant, so about the size of the average bedroom. 

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