Chapter 4b: Scrutiny

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"Ahem! A body has been discovered!" The monitor was turned on and showed X-O-Kuma, "Could everyone report to Pencil's bedroom."

We waited there in silence, the smell of blood filled the room, Match was still crying. Soon people piled in, each having a different reaction to the now dead corpse of Pencil.

"No! Am I bad luck!?" Bubble sadly glanced at every one of us, we all looked confused and she noticed that, "I mean, I'm the one who suggested that she might be dead."

"No! Of course not, Bubble!" Match spoke out of nowhere, "It's whoever targeted her and murdered her's fault!" Match quickly wiped her tears away, "C'mon Bubble and Icy, we're going to find her murderer!"

Match dragged Bubble and Icy out of the room, just then Fourokuma walked into the room, "Match has the right idea!"

"What do you mean?" Eraser asked from the back. I could tell everyone was thinking the same thing, I mean, even I was thinking that.

"Investigation! You need to find clues to help you discover the culprit during the trial!" Fourokuma explained, "And, I have a tool just for that! I have the ones for Ice Cube, Match, and Bubble, but I'll give it to them later!"

"What is it?" Firey asked, "It looks like an iPad."

"This tool is known as the Fourokuma file! It has details to help find out more about the murder! It might have time, cause of death, location murdered or found, etc." Fourokuma said as he started passing them out. When I received mine, I turned it on and started reading immediately.

"Victim is Pencil Leaderman, Ultimate Writer, she suffered decapitation and a slit wrist, she was murdered at 12:15am. The door was locked and unaccessible at the time of murder. She seemed to have been very tired when the death happened." I read.

"Hey, Leafy! Can we work together?" I turned and saw Firey standing there.

"Oh yeah! Sure!" I responded nervously smiling, I was still shaken from seeing a dead body, I mean it wasn't my first time, but it was still as shocking.

"Have you read the Fourokuma File yet? I refuse to, I want nothing to do with that psycho!" Firey asked.

"Agreed. But, I did read it, it seems that the door was locked and unaccessible when the murder happened." I confusedly repeated.

"What!? How!? That's impossible! There's no other way that the murderer could've murdered her!" Firey sounded completely surprised.

"The only other way to commit the murder without entering is to set a trap or something, but even for that to happen, the culprit would have to get in her room to set the trap." I explained

"What about if she was murdered outside of her room?" Firey asked.

"I don't think so, we all were running around and none of us noticed any traces of blood or cleaning so that's impossible, plus Pencil would have blood all over her." I responded.

"True." Firey sighed.

'Fourokuma File #1' has been added to the truth bullet section of your Four Exe

"We should probably finish up our investigation in her bedroom before we move on." I suggested.

"Alright, boss!" Firey saluted, I understood that it was because he's a scout leader, but I just looked really disappointed at him. He noticed and laughed nervously. Just then Woody came up and pointed to under the bed.

I got on my hands and knees and looked under the bed, then I saw what looked like it had blood on it, a chainsaw.

"Firey! Woody may have figured out the murder weapon!" I cheered.

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