Ch.3: Hangin' with LeLe

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I wake up and take a shower, before going downstairs.

This time Embry was the one holding us up. We were waiting in the car for about five minuets 'till Embry hopped in the back.

Lexi-"Do you think Leah will be back by Monday?"

Jacob- "yeah she should be better by Sunday. Or at least good enough to go cliff diving."

Lexi-"Yes! I havent been cliff diving in forever." Jacob- "We went two weeks ago."

Lexi- "Two weeks too long" Jake laughs.

Derrick was bugging me the wole period. but i just ignored him.

All my other classes were with Jake so i stayed with him all day.

When school ended we all hopped in the truck. Lexi- "Hey Jake, I'm gonna get off with Seth so i can go see Leah."

Jake- "Okay I'll see you tomorrow then."

Lexi-"Yeppers." I say getting out of the car and giving him a kiss on the cheek.

Seth- "Hey Lexi!"

Lexi- "Bye Seth." I say wile running down the driveway and bursting through the door. I see Leah and she comes running up to me to give me a hug.

Lexi- "WAIT!" I say Holding my hands in fromt of me,"are you contagious?"

Leah- "Not any more!"

Lexi- "Yay!" I run up and give her a hug."Oh and here's your school work."

Leah- "UUUUHHHHHHGGGGGG!!!! I don't wanna!"

Lexi- "Okay then now we can talk!" Leah- "yes! I need gossip!"

Lexi- "well first of all, Me and Jake are going out."

Leah- "It's about time! He's been going crazy for the past month about you."

Lexi- "Really? Hmm...And Paul has been acting pretty weird lately."

Leah- "Really? How so?

Lexi- "Well, He's been hanging around Sam alot more. Skipping school at least three times a week, And hes really started ignoring us.

Leah- "That's weird." Lexi- "Your tellin me. Oh! and were going cliff diving Sunday"

Leah- "Yay!"

*Ring Ring*

~~~Phone convo~~~


Jacob- "Hey Lex! Umm... I was wondering if you would wanna go to a movie with me tomorrow?"

Lexi- "Of course i would! What time Should I be ready?"

Jacob- "1:00"

Lexi- "Great see you then bye." Jacob-"bye"

~~~End of phone convo~~~

Leah- "Who was that?"

Lexi- "Jacob." Leah- "What did he want?"

Lexi- "He asked if i would go to a movie with him tomorrow."

Leah- "OOOOO!!! Time for shopping!" so me and Leah go to about twenty different stores and we finally get a good outfit. She drops me off at my house.

Embry-"Where have you been?"

Lexi- "shopping" Embry- "What for?"

Lexi- "A date" Embry- "Where at?"

Lexi- "I'm not telling you, and what is this 20 questions?"

Embry- "Why wont you tell me? I was just being curious."

Lexi-"Cause I don't want you following me there."

I eat dinner and get in my p.j.'s and go to sleep.

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