Ch.21: Bon Fire

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I'm not going to school today for obvious reasons. The police called me and said they had Derrick in custody and that we have to set a court date. Right now I'm sitting on the island in the kitchen eating a bowl of cereal. I hear the door open and Jake and Embry walk in from early morning patrol.

Jacob- "Hey, Babe." He says kissing my forehead. He walks to the fridge and starts munching on a piece of cold pizza.

Embry- "Morning baby sister." He says leaning on the counter across from me.

Lexi- "Mornin'. How was patrol?"

Embry- "Eh. Same old same old."

Jacob- "How has your morning been?"

Lexi- "Not too eventful. But the police called saying they have Derrick in custody and that we have to set a court date." I say hopping off the counter and sticking my bowl in the dish washer.

Jacob- "Do you know when you wan to do that?"

Lexi- "No. But we'll figure that out later. Do we have anything planned for today?"

Embry- "Well, we were gonna have a bon fire and some bar-b-cue."

Lexi- "Awesome. That'll be fun!"

Embry- "See, we didn't know if we were still doing it because..." he trails off looking at the ground.

Lexi- "What? Because of what happened to me? No no no no, That won't do. Just because somethings happened to me doesn't mean you should cancel all of your plans. In fact, it would be better. Keep my mind off things."

Embry- "Oh. Okay then. I guess I'll just go tell everyone that the nights back on!" He then walks out the door to go tell people the news.

I hear my cell phone ring and pick it up off the counter. Unknown caller?

***Phone convo.***

Lexi- "Hello?

???- "Hey Lexi! How are you?"

Lexi- "Spencer! Hi. I'm fine, and you?"

Spencer- "I'm good. I was just calling to see how you are doing."

Lexi- "Well, I'm pretty banged up, but I'm a big girl, I'll be fine. Hey, you doin' anything later?"

Spencer- "No. My friend ,Kayleigh, was just gonna come and hang, but I'm not doing much."

Lexi- "Would y'all wanna come to a bar-b-cue bonfire tonight?"

Spencer- "Sure that sounds like fun. And tasty!"

Lexi- "Cool," I laugh."You think you can be over by um.. seven?"

Spencer- "We'll be there!"

Lexi- "Awesome. And make sure to bring swim suits. Bye."

Spencer- "Will do. Bye Lexi."

***End of Phone convo.***

Jacob- "You invited him to the bonfire?"

Lexi- "Yeah." I say giving him a 'duh' look. "I mean, I kinda owe him for helping me. And plus, people bring people that aren't in the pack. Jared brought Kim."

Jacob- "Yeah, but that's different."

Lexi- "Why? Cause she's an imprint? Spencer's bringin' his friend, Kayleigh. Who knows, she could be an imprint."

Jacob- "I know. It just is."

Lexi- "You just don't want Spencer there do you?" I say crossing my arms with a playful smirk on my face.

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