Ch.15: The Aftermath

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I plop on the couch between Jake and Paul. Jake pulls me into his lap and I lay my head on his warm shoulder.

Lexi- "So, It was really that bad?"

Seth- "Those kids were like little demonds! The baby wouldn't stop crying, the boys would tackle us whenever they got the chance, and Taylor would just sit on her butt and text people! I don't see how you can be texting someone for two hours straight!"

Paul-"It was terrible. We all took refuge under the couch so they wouldn't kill us!"

Seth- "Yeah, and I think one even sprained my wrist."

Lexi- "Aww, Here lemme make it better." I say. He hold out his wrist and i kiss it. "There, all better?"

Seth- "Not really. No."

Lexi- "Whatever. "I say with a grin on my face. I walk over to the kitchen to get Seth a pack of ice for his wrist.

Jacob- "Hey Lexi?"

Lexi- "Yeah?" I say giving Seth the icepack and sitting back down on Jake's lap.

Jacob-"I think one of them hurt my lips." He says while sticking his bottom lip out, giving me big puppy dog eyes.

Lexi- "Oh really?"

Jacob- "Really."

I give him a short kiss

Lexi- "Better?"

Jacob-"I don't know, Mabey you should try again."

Lexi- "Okay." I say but when his eyes are closed i shove an ice cube in his mouth.

Jacob- "AHH! Cold!"

Lexi+Paul+Seth- "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!"

Jacob- "Yeah,Yeah, Laugh all you want. I'll get back at ya."

Lexi- "Aww, You know I love you." I say then giving him a peck on the lips.

Paul- "Well,I think Imma head out. You comin' Seth?" he says whil standing up a streching a little.

Seth- "Yeah, I think im gonna go with ya. I hope Leah found herself a different guinie pig."

They start to walk out the door.

Lexi- "Bye guys!"

Jacob- "Yeah, and thanks again for risking your lives for me."

Paul- "No prob bro, see ya." He says while waving and closing the door.

Lexi- "So... wadaya wanna do now Jakey?"

Jacob- "I dunno. mabey..this." he says while holding my face and kissing me. We make out for a little bit and right as starts to heat up Embry bursts through the door."

Embry- "I'M HO- OH GOD! GET A ROOM!"

Lexi- "GET A HOUSE!" I say.

Jake starts laughing like crazy while Embry just stands there shocked.

After about 10 minutes Jake says he has to leave. We say good bye and he givs me one last kiss.

Jacob- "Night."

Lexi- "Night."

Jacob- "I'll see you tommorrow." He says while giving me a big, warm hug. "Bye."

He closes the door and leaves.

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