Ch.10: Where's My Coffee?!

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When I woke up I was in my bed. Hmm... How did i get here? Oh well. I looked at my clock. 7:53. UUUHHHHHGGGGG! Must go back to sleep. Too early. I tried to go back to sleep but that didn't work so i decided to go downstairs.

Embry- "Well someones up early!"

Lexi- "Don't talk to me until i've had my coffee." I walk into the kitchen and there is no coffee in the pot. I knew something was different his morning. I didn't smell coffee. I look in the cabinates. No coffee. "Hey Em. Where's all the coffee?"

Embry- "None in the cabinate?"

Lexi- "No."

Embry- "Hmmm.... I think Jake took it."

Lexi- "WHAT! Why would Jake have it! He knows how i get when i don't have my coffee in the morning."

Embry- "He needed some."

Lexi- "I'm getting my coffee back." I grab my mug, Knowing Jake already made the coffe, walk out of the house still in my pajamas. (pj pants and tank top) and walk over to Jake's. It is really cold! I should've gabbed a jacket or something. Oh well I'm almost there. I bang on his door.

Jacob- Hey Lexi. Wacha-"

Lexi- "Wheres my coffee!"

Jacob- "Yeah, Umm... About that-"

Lexi "Jacob. Give. Me. My. Coffee."

Jacob- "Sorry Lexi, but there is no more."

Lexi- "What." i say blankly

Jacob- 'We drank it all."

Lexi- "What do you mean you drank it all? There was like a whole bag!"

Jacob- "Well, Everybody came over and we drank all the coffee. I'm surprised Embry didn't tell you. He drank the last cup."

Lexi- "What! Oh, I'm going to kill that boy! Whatever. I'm gonna see if Emily Has any."

Jacob- "Sorry Lex. No one has any coffee. Thats why they were all over here."

Lexi- "You're kidding me right?"

Jacob- "Nope"

Lexi- "Fine. I'll just make Embry Get me some starbucks or something."

Jacob- "Have fun with that."

Lexi- "Oh i will." i say as i'm walking away



Lexi-" You're bringing me to starbucks and buying me a coffee."

Embry- "Why!"

Lexi- "Because you drank the last cup of my coffee!"

Embry- "Fine. Lets go"

~~~Jacob's point of view~~~

lexi is so beutiful. I just know she is my imprint. It's hard to stay from her. I'll have to talk to Sam about that. I mean she's gonna find out sooner or later. It's not like she's gonna tell anyone. The only people she hangs out with are the guys and Leah. Leah's Gonna Find out too. I'm surprised Seth hasn't told her yet.

~~~Lexi's point of view~~~

Later, Me and Leah decide to go lay out on the beah and relax. Eventhough the sun isn't out and it's cold.

We sit out on out blankets listening to the portable radio when we see the guys ou cliff diving. We used to go cliff diving all the time before they started avoiding us. Now they dive off the highest part of the cliff. It really scares me. I'm afraid they're gonna kill themselves.

Lexi-"They're gonna kill themselves, jumping from that high."

Leah- "Yeah, Well I'd just say i told you so."

We wait a little longer.

Lexi- "Well they've all gone and none of them are dead."

Leah- "Yet."

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