Ch.9: Bear

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I try to stay as still as possible. I don't think the bear has seen me yet.i get up as slow ans possible and start walking backwards. I hear a crack. Really?! I must've stepped on a stick. The bear looks at me an starts making a low growling sound. I run.

I'm running as fast as i can, but then i remember . On a show i watched they say don't run, stand your ground. so i stop and stand my ground. Then they said to make yourself look as big as i hold my jacket up over my head. The bear stopped, but not for long.

It lunged at me i scream as loud as i can and roll ino a ball. Closing my eyes as tight as possible. But nothing happened. I opedned one of my eyes. I didn't see the bear. Then I sit up and i see the bear fighting with a giant russet, red wolf almost as big as it! I just sit there in shock, not believing my eyes. After about 10 minutes, the bear ran off, the wolf grawling at it as it did. The wolf turns his head, looking at me. I look in It's eyes and see protectiveness and the sense of safety. Like it wouldn't hurt me.

Ihave tears streaming down my face. The wolf takes a step closer bending his head down a little. He walks a few more steps. I back up the slightest bit. The wolf is about a foot away from me.

Lexi-"Th-Thank you." i say quickly and i backup and run away. But soon i start to feel light headed. So many things where going through my mind. I slow down and faint.

~~~Jacob's point of view~~~

I was patrol alone today jared got sick. Then i smell the scent of a bear. I also smell a different scent. It smelled like...Lexi! i run in their diretion and i see lexi with her jacket over her head. Nice one Lex.Then i see the bear about to go for her. I run and lunge at it. I get it right before if gets to Lexi. We fight for about ten minutes. I won. The bear was a sissy and just ran off. I wasn't finnished. I turn towards Lexi. I could see terror, shock, but also curiosity in her face.i slowly walk towards her. She backs up just a little bit. I can tell she isn't totally terrified of me. But she is still scared.

Lexi- "Th-Thank you" she runs off

I follow her trail. Just far enough to where she doesn't know. Then i see her lying on the ground. I phase back, Pick her up and bring her home.

Embry-"What the hell happened to her!" Embry yelled as i set lexi downn the couch. She was a mess. She was covered in dirt an leaves. I started picking twigs and leaves out of her hair.

Jacob- "I found her out on patrol. She almost got mauled by a bear."

Embry- "WHAT!"

Jacob- "I smelled a bear but then i smelled Lexi. I followed he scent and a saw Lexi with her Jacket over Her head. I guess trying to make herself look bigger or somehing."

Embry- "Nice one Lexi."

Jacob- "I attacked the bear right before it got to her. Then she Thanked me and ran away.

Embry- "She would thank a giant wolf for saving her life. Eventhough it probably wouldn't even understand."

Jacob- "I followed her scent to make sure she was safe but i found her passed out on the ground.

Embry- "Well thanks man so much. If it werent for you, she would probably would be dead right now.

We sat there in silence. I bring Lexi up to her room and tuck her into bed.

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