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Small snores left the pink-haired boys lips as he laid sprawled out on the bed, his leg dangling off the edge, the boy's grandmother stood in the doorway, no longer ill.

"Shiro-kun" His grandmother's voice was soft as she walked towards him, saying his nickname he had gotten over the years, his eyes cracked open and closed immediately due to sunlight hitting his eyes.

"Mm..? Yes, obaasan?" He answered groggily as he sat up on the bed, she smiled at him lightly.

"You have to leave soon, or you'll miss the taxi taking you home to Ranka and Haruhi..." The boy's eyes shot open quickly as he ran into the bathroom.

"Arigatou Obaasan!" He yelled as he got dressed in his normal everyday clothes, consisting of a button-up shirt with a white undershirt, black jeans, and blue sneakers. He styled his hair in a rush and grabbed his bags that he had packed the night before, on his way to the front door he gave his grandmother a kiss to the cheek.

"Call me if you need anything, I'm a drive away, love you obaasan, talk to you soon..." The grandmother nodded and smiled at him.

"Love you too, Toshiro, have a safe trip home and tell Ranka I said 'Hi'." He nodded and got into the taxi that was waiting for him outside, placing his bags in the trunk. As the driver started his way to the apartment complex an hour drive away, Toshiro plugged his earbuds into his ears and started nodding, muttering the lyrics to the music as the car went. An hour seemed like five hours, Toshiro bouncing his leg in anticipation as he stepped out of the taxi, after paying him of course and grabbing his bags. He waved to the taxi driver as he left and started walking up the stairs to the apartment he remembered vividly, he knocked softly on the door and smiled as he waited. A woman with long reddish brown hair opened the door a moment later, almost instantly recognizing the eyes of 'her' son.

"Toshiro! Welcome home..." Ranka enveloped Toshiro in a tight hug, pulling him and his luggage into the apartment, closing the door shortly after. Toshiro left his bags at the door for the time being and walked through the small apartment talking with his father.

"Grandmother says 'Hi' if you were wondering..." Ranka chuckled and nodded, walking into the living room.

"Haruhi, look who's home!" Ranka said happily as he pointed to Toshiro, Toshiro's eyes skimmed the room before falling on a brunette girl with very short hair and big brown eyes. He smiled and opened his arms for the brunette, who happily leaped on him, almost knocking the both of them over onto the ground.

"Good to see you too Haruhi..." Toshiro whispered into his sisters ear softly, she smiled and hugged him tighter.

"I missed you..." The tall blonde that sat in the room had his mouth wide open, along with a pair of ginger twins.

"Oi! Who do you think you are! Touching MY Haruhi!!" The tall, now deemed idiot, blonde yelled out as he stood up from his spot, the ginger twins scowling and saying 'yea' behind him. Toshiro sat up and looked at the six boys that sat or stood in the room, he smiled softly and glared harshly at the idiot, making him flinch back.

"I think, MY SISTER isn't property, I think MY SISTER if anything is MINE, don't. Touch. Haruhi." His voice menacing as a dark aura came off him towards the idiot, who gasped and fell backward in defeat, his soul popping out of him, Toshiro went back to his smiling self as he talking to his sister. Haruhi had gotten off of him by now and was sitting at the table again, introducing him to everyone.

"The idiot that doesn't have a soul right now is Tamaki-senpai, the twins are Hikaru, on the left, and Kaoru, on the right, next to them in Kyouya-senpai, the one with the notebook. To the right of him is Huni-senpai, the short blonde one, next to him is his cousin, Mori-senpai, the tall one..." Toshiro nodded then stood up and bowed to them.

"My name is Toshiro Fujioka, older brother to Haruhi..." His hair covered one of his eyes as he bowed.

"Thank you for looking after my sister for a while..." He said softly, Kyouya gave him 'I'm killing orphans right now' smile and chuckled.

"Well, she does owe us an eight million yen debt right now, and is currently acting as a boy in our club to pay it faster." Toshiro looked at his sister, still smiling.

"You... What..?" Haruhi chuckled and gulped.


Hope you like the new book!!


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