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When Kyouya didn't answer he got a bit scared, scared to know what he was thinking, scared to know if he was being rejected or not. Kyouya opened his mouth slightly and started speaking.

"Why do you look so scared, why are you hesitant, do what you want Toshiro, I'm not going to stop you..." His voice held a bit of authority in it, telling him to do what he pleases. Toshiro glanced down at his lips for a split second, and that split second was enough to tell Kyouya what he wanted. Slowly he leaned in towards him, his lips parted slightly, Toshiro gulped softly, his eyes wide as he stayed frozen.  His lips parted slightly as Kyouya got closer, he was truly shocked he was about to get kissed by the boy he had liked for almost two months now. Kyouya leaned in more and rested his forehead on Toshiro's, his eyes glassy as he looked the purple haired male that stood in front of him.

"Do you want me to continue, Toshiro..?" Hearing his name rolling off Kyouya's lips that easily made him want to kiss him even more. His mouth opened slightly then closed when Kyouya didn't get an answer he pulled away and fixed his tie.

"Sorry... I made you uncomfortable..." He turned around and was starting to walk away, Toshiro grabbed ahold of his sleeve and yanked him back, Kyouya looked behind him just as he was pulled back, his lips landing on Toshiro's softly. Toshiro's hand was holding onto Kyouya's sleeve loosely, his other hand held into the end on his shirt. Kyouya was shocked that Toshiro made such a bold move, he slowly started to kiss back, his hands resting on the smaller hips. After a few moments, they pulled away, one more flustered than the other, Toshiro looked off to the side and let a small breath out.

"Y-you... Didn't make me uncomfortable... I was just shocked... A-and I didn't know how to answer..." He said softly with a slightly flustered stutter, he mumbled out one thing that made Kyouya smile softly, "That... Was my first kiss... You idiot..." Kyouya smiled gently and tilted his head up.

"I don't want to just be your first kiss Toshiro... I want to be your first everything..." Toshiro's face had gone redder than red now, he was stuttered heavily as he gripped Kyouya's shirt tightly.

"I-I... I-idiot... just shut up..." Kyouya smirked and leaned in next to his ear.

"I don't want to just be your first for everything, I want to be your last everything..." Toshiro shuddered at the feeling of his breath hitting his neck. He loosened his grip on the taller males shirt and leaned back, listening to the sweet nothings that Kyouya was saying, surprised that he could even say something sweet. He wrapped his arms around Kyouya's neck lightly and looked him in the eyes.

"If you want to be my first and last everything, then be my second kiss..." He said with a smile adorning his lips, his head tilted to side softly, his hair following suit, the purple tints hitting the light making his hair glisten. Kyouya rested one of his hands on Toshiro's cheek, rubbing his thumb across it, the thumb ran across his soft lips slowly, a smile made it's way to his face, he leaned in and kissed the boy again.


three maybe four more chapters?

las smut or nay?

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