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Half-way through the class, Toshiro started doing doodles in his notebook, he already knew this stuff, he didn't just excel in his musical art, but in his classes as well. The teacher noticed the new student not paying attention and got annoyed.

"Fujioka-kun! Question 12, answer" She called out, Toshiro looked at the paper quickly before answering it.

"32^2 + 8^2 =x^2, 1024 +64 = 1088= x^2, x= 32.98," He said off the top of his head while solving it as he went, Tamaki stared at him in shock along with most of the classroom, including the teacher. Kyouya was shocked as well but didn't show it as he just stared at him.

"Is that right, ma'am?" The teacher nodded slowly and continued explaining the formula 'a^2 + b^2 = c^2'. This subject was one of Toshiro's best, he could do it off the top of his head, and not have to write anything out, unlike calculus. He continued doodling once he had finished the paper given and stared off into space as the other students whispered about his odd colored hair. When the bell rang he stood and walked to the door, already going to his next class, Kyouya and Tamaki not far behind him, they walked a few doors down and entered the class.

"I detest History..." Toshiro muttered as he took his seat, pulling out the large textbook he had on the history of Japan, he then grabbed another book and started reading it until class started.

"What book are you reading Toshiro?" Tamaki asked leaning over Kyouya's desk.

"Bel Ami by Guy De Maupassant. Why do you ask Tamaki?" His eyes didn't leave the book as he spoke, his fingers ready to flip to the next page went needed.

"H-huh..? T-that book's in Fench though..." Toshiro glanced at him with a raised eyebrow.

"And? Your point? I can speak French fluently, along with Spanish, and English, I don't need to take a language because I already know more than one." Tamaki stared at him in shock.

"W-when did you learn them..?"

"While I was with my grandmother, she toured Europe a lot when she was younger, then finally went to America. She needed to know how to communicate with people there, so she learned different languages." Kyouya was writing everything he said down as e spoke, soon the teacher walked in and took attendance. 

========I Suck At History, So Time Skip========

A groan left Toshiro's lips as the class he hated most finally ended, he was good at history, he just didn't like it, found it boring. (Much like myself) He stood up and walked towards the lunchroom with Tamaki following behind him quickly, Kyouya walking at a leisurely pace. When Toshiro spotted Haruhi he smiled and hugged her from behind.

"Ah... Finally... My dearest sister... I missed you..." He said as he held her waist, the girls around them stopped and watched, gasping when he kissed her cheek.

"Eee!!~ Sugoi!!! Haruhi-kun and Toshiro-kun are so cute!!" The girls yelled out, Toshiro smiled softly and took Haruhi's hand in his.

"Is Toshiro-kun gonna be part of the host club, Kyouya-kun?" Kyouya nodded while continuing to eat his lunch, making small talk with the other club members as he ate quietly. Toshiro talked to him most, or Mori, though Mori didn't talk much, so he mostly talked to Kyouya.

========Time Skip Again========

It was now the end of the day, clubs were just about to start, Toshiro stood from his seat and collected his things, Tamaki nagging him to hurry up. Having Tamaki tell him to hurry up made him go slower, just to annoy the blonde, when he finally finished getting his stuff together the three boys walked out of the room together. Toshiro looked kind of bored, already thinking of the horror he had stuck himself him with signing up with this club. Tamaki was beaming with excitement already thinking about his 'beloved daughter', and that really annoyed Toshiro.

"Oi! Stop talking about my sister like that!" Toshiro yelled at him in the empty hallway, making Tamaki stop and freeze, slowly turning to see Toshiro glaring at him. He shuddered and nodded slowly, keeping his mouth shut the rest of the way to music room #3. Kyouya was thankful of this, already having a headache from the idiot blonde from earlier that day. When they got to the host club doors Tamaki happily opened them while saying.

"Toshiro, welcome to the host club, you're our newest host!" The twins had their arms over the other's shoulder while smiling, Huni was sitting atop Mori's shoulders, and Haruhi was trying to read a book. Kyouya walked in and took a seat at the table closest to the door. Toshiro looked around for a moment before approaching his sister, he leaned over her shoulder and started reading along with her. The hosts stared at him in slight shock for being ignored, Haruhi leaned her head back and had a content look on her face. 

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