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"N-nothing... It's just... You look really good with pastel pink hair..." Huni said in awe as he continued looking at Toshiro, who simply shrugged and sat next to his sister.

"So, Haruhi, who're you dating?" He said smugly as he tapped her arm softly, she glared at him, which had no effect on him, and jabbed him in the side with her elbow, he chuckled and wrapped his arm around her shoulder softly. Tamaki flipped and stood up, marching over and making a grabbing motion.

"DADDY SAYS NO NO!!" He yelled as lunged towards the sibling, Toshiro stuck his foot straight out as Tamaki came down, Tamaki faceplanted Toshiro's sneaker and groaned in pain.

"My pretty face... What are my princess gonna do now..?" He sobbed as he sulked, Toshiro had a thoughtful face on as he mumbled.

"What is that word..?"

"Obnoxious?" Haruhi suggested.

"No, no, something else... Nar...Narci..."

"Narcissistic! That's the word, he's narcissistic!" Toshiro claimed, making Tamaki gasp loudly and go into the corner, sulking with gloom over his head, growing mushroom. Toshiro had questions that couldn't be answered as to what the idiot was doing. The twins were rolling around on the floor laughing together, while Haruhi cracked a smile.

"He doesn't like me... Haruhi's brother doesn't like me..." Tamaki sobbed out. Toshiro walked over to him and crouched down to his height.

"No, no, I do like you, you just get a bit annoying when you try to make me do stuff, like hugging my sister..." Tamaki looked up at him.

"R-really?" He nodded with a smile, Tamaki smiled widely and jumped on him joyfully, his arms around the pink-haired, slender, males waist, hugging him tightly. Toshiro froze up, not really used to being hugged by anyone but family, he slowly hugged back, patting his back softly.

"Alright... Let go now... Please..." Toshiro pleaded after a moment, Tamaki let go and smiled, going back to his spot next to Huni and Kyouya. Toshiro took his spot next to Haruhi and continued talking with the host's until they had to leave. When they left Toshiro was talking to Haruhi who smiled at him. Ranka walked out in his work clothes and gave them both a hug.

"I'll see you both later, love you, and again, welcome home Toshiro..." Toshiro smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Thanks, dad..." The one thing the Fujioka family didn't know about the only son was that he was gay, they thought he was straight, along with everyone else. Toshiro smiled and sat back next to Haruhi, when they heard the door close they started making dinner for themselves.

"H-hey... Haruhi..?" 


"I... I have something to tell you... And I don't want you to act any different towards me..." Haruhi stopped what she was doing and looked over at her brother, nodding her head.

"Okay... I won't..."

"I... I'm..." He took a deep breath and let it out softly. "I'm... Gay..." His head dropped so he was looking at the floor, nervousness took over to what she would say. Haruhi smiled widely and walked over to him, hugging him tightly.

"Why would that make me think any different of you? You're still my brother, you're still my pink-haired, funny brother... And I love you, for you, not for what person you like..." Toshiro smiled and lifted her up, hugging her.

"I love you Haruhi! You're the best sister!" He smiled and gave her a quick peck on the forehead before setting her down, she was smiling, after that, they went back to fixing up dinner.

========Time Skip========

"Toshiro, C'mon, wake up!" Haruhi yelled, already in her uniform, now just waiting for Toshiro to wake up and get ready, the school had provided him with the uniform, mainly because his sister already had one. Toshiro groggily sat up and rubbed his eyes.

"I'm up... I'm up..." He muttered while standing from the bed, he stretched his arms and arched his back, small pops were heard from his joints and back as he stretched. After he was done he got his uniform and started changing after Haruhi left the room. The uniform fits perfectly, from the white button up shirt to the dress shoes, he walked out and did a spin for Haruhi.

"How do I look?" Haruhi smiled.

"Good, you look really good..." He smiled at her and grabbed her hand, walking out of the apartment with their bags in his other hand. People whispered to each other on the street, since the only thing that made Haruhi and Toshiro look like siblings was now pink, they looked like a couple. Toshiro handed Haruhi her bag and smiled as they walked in the school gate, he didn't think anything of it as he walked into the school still holding her hand. The students gasped and whispered about the two as they walked down the halls, Toshiro brought Haruhi to her class and kissed her cheek.

"Love you~ See you in a bit?" Haruhi nodded and walked into the classroom, waving to Toshiro, who turned around and was walking to his class. He didn't just excel in musical talent, but also in academics, though he was still in his second-year of high school, he could have been in his third-year if he wanted, or wants, too. When he walked into the classroom the teacher greeted him and told the students to settle down.

"Everyone, this is our new students, please, introduce yourself."

"My name is Toshiro Fujioka, older brother to Haruhi Fujioka, pleased to meet you all," He said in his more professional tone, the girls swooned over him as he skimmed the room, he spotted the idiot jumping in his seat with glasses next to him.

"Alright, please sit next to Ootori-kun..." Kyouya raised his hand slightly, Toshiro made his way over and pulled the seat out, he sat down and placed his bag on the hook on the desk and listened as the teacher explained geometry.

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