Chapter 2, Quinn

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I ran to school holding flowey in my arms.
"Crap, I'm late! The first day of 10th grade and I'm late!" I screeched at flowey.
"You can't be to blame. Yesterday was your 16th birthday Quinn." Flowey said, using vines to cling to me as I ran.
"Yea but still. Fri- I mean mom said that if I was late more than three times she would take away my sketch book!" I yelped now standing in front of school and began to run in.
"Well sans said that this was okay! He gave you a note and everything." Flowey said. I ran to the office giving them my note from sans. They handed me my schedule and a late pass and sent me to class. Flowey still sat in my arms, quiet as I walked to class.
"I don't like it here Quinn. It reminds me of the last place." He said, and he was right. For the past three years I went to a new school every year. I guess being half monster would have that affect. At this point I don't even know if I'll make it to collage.
"Common flowey, just give it a chance, it might be better." I said nuzzling his petals holding his flowerpot closer to my chest.
"If anyone makes you cry I'll kill them!" He exclaimed making me cover his mouth.
"And if you talk in class they will kill me." I chided walking into class, sitting flowey on my desk pulling out a book to read while the teacher taught. I already knew all of this but needed to go to school because it was safer than staying home alone. Humans kept trying to either kill me or kidnap me so sans said that even though I knew most of what was taught already.
"Ahh so you think you can get out of class because you have that freak flower? Well your wrong! Put that book down and answer number three on your homework last night!" The teacher snapped.
"Ma'am this is my first day, I don't have the homework." I whispered. "And I would like it if you didn't insult my best friend." I added quickly pulling flowey to my chest.
"Well then. Answer this." She said putting a question on the board that I learned how to answer when we where still in the underground.
"I learned this in the underground. The answer is 23." I said. The teacher stared at me.
"You learned this when you where ten?" She asked.
"Well nine but yes. My father had been a scientist and taught my brother a lot. My oldest brother taught me." I said proudly.
"Out now. I don't approve of lying and if you are gonna cheat you might as well leave this school now." The teacher snapped.
A few minutes later I stood in front of another school that wouldn't take me in

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