Chapter 6, ???

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There is not another pov for this character yet. Im at chapter 15 when it comes to writing but i plan on chapter 16 being her pov

I sighed looking at my hands. Still skeletal Quinn wasn't strong enough yet to know who I was or be able to free me from my skeletal curse like her mother promised
    "Hush little baby don't say a word..." I heard mumbling and turned to face mettaton rocking our daughter to sleep.
    I never got to see mettaton anymore since I'm not supposed to exist. Neither was our daughter so we stayed in the underground. In the stupid home we had to stay in. Mettaton came every weekend but it never seemed like enough time together.
    See before frisk there was a human who fell but died during the fall. That human was me. But the underground is cool and it gave me new life. Only a half breed could turn me human again so me and my daughter could leave.
    "Sweetheart?" Mettaton voice asked behind me making me turn. As I do I put a fake smile on my face.
    "Yes metta?" I asked him smiling a believable fake smile.
    "I put Sora to bed but she needs you to kiss her head." He chuckled. I smiled nodding. Sora turned three about a week ago.
    "Mommy!" Sora giggled when she saw me. She was part skeleton but she had metallic looking bones and she had long brown hair.
    "Hey baby boo." I said kissing her head. She let out a yawn and curled up.
    "Night momma" she yawned only falling asleep now because I kissed her head as a goodnight.
    "Goodnight baby." I whispered shutting the door behind me, my white hair falling against my shoulders.
    "Your a good mom.... I wish I could be here more often." Mettaton frowned grabbing my hand. I smiled a real smile and leaned on his shoulder.
    "Don't feel bad babe. You have no other choice. You have a job, the job pays for our clothes and food." I said rubbing the poor bots back.
    "I know but still! Sora barely even recognized me!" He sobbed clinging to me making my heart break.
    "Metta...." I whispered nuzzling my husband. I felt his grip on me increase as he cried the oily substance onto my shirt. I sighed.
    "Neva...... I'm so sorry you have to stay here. I'll find a way to free you soon." He whispered. My name...  my name is neva and metta is the only one who knows I exist.

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