chapter 11, 3rd person

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Quinn groaned as she sat next to Quincy. The star sans's s where discussing what to do with Quinn since she wasn't safe anymore.

“She could stay with me again!” Blue exclaims making Quinn shake in fear.

“I think you've scared my daughter enough Blue.” Ink snarled looking over to his twin children. Blue frowned and stood up.

“DONT YOU DARE SAY THAT MY QUINN WAS SCARRED OF ME!” He yelled making Quinn begin to cry at the phrasing of ‘my quinn’. It horrified her for that is what he had called her when he went crazy.

Blue turned when Quinn's sobs became heard.

“Q-quinn……” blue whispered realizing how scarred Quinn was of him.

“That's enough! Blue you will sit at the farther side, far enough away from Quinn.” Ink snapped signaling the small skeleton to move.

Quinn looked at her father as tears rolled down her face.

“Don't worry Quinny. I'll make sure your safe sis.” Quincy whispered kissing his sister's head softly.

Quinn nodded and began to fall asleep as the three skeletons fought. She didn't even heard the door break down from outside and the black tentacles grab her sleeping frame and pulled the small girl from the crowded meeting room as her father, brother, ex lover, and best friend fought to get her back.

“NIGHTMARE PLEASE!!” Dream cried as he chased his brother who had forcefully taken dreams best friend.

“I'm sorry brother but she is her child. You know that she took on her mother's powers. Her brother only took on the stupid painters magic. This pathetically weak girl took her mother and father's magic. She could save us. She could wipe the virus out of fresh and could me back to normal!” He yelled.

“Nightmare! It could take her life!” Dream called out but then nightmare disappeared into the darkness.

“No…. Quinn….. I'm so sorry….” Dream whispered dropping to the ground as tears streaked down his skeletal face.

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