Chapter 13, dear diary

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Day 1

Dear diary,

I do not know the date so I will just label these by day number. Anyways….. father got this journal for me to write in. He hates it when I call him father though. Anyways….

Sans has gotten in trouble many a times for visiting me when he was supposed to be helping out doctor gaster in his lab.

Father says that I'm just a cheep replacement of the orginal haire to the throne. He says if I had been fully human he would have killed me. But because I'm the first halfling he believes that I may hold promise as the next queen.

Father hates when I go into Asreal and Charas old room but I tend to be told to just do something. Because I have no journals or books of my own I tend to sneak into the late royal children's room to read and write. Father hates it. I believe that is why he got me this book. But I don't care what his motive was, for now I have something productive to do.

Day 2

Dear diary,

Father said I am no use to him in the castle and kicked me out. I am no longer permitted to even call him father. I currently am staying with the young skeletal boy as his care taker while gaster is out on a long work time. Sans loves talking about what he would do if he had a younger sibling. For only being 4, sans a a brilliant child who I adore greaty.

When sans is playing with grillby I watch the door I came through when I was 7. It had been around ten years and I severely missed toriel.

Sometimes I think I should go see her. Maybe I could live there, far away from the king. But like gaster told me,

“The door never opens anymore, the last time it did was the human a year after you.”

I always wonder when the next human will come. Right now we only have four and we need three more to escape



Day 3

It has been a while and truly it would have been Day 16 but because I haven't been writing,I chose to number it by the days I write. I've been searching for a four year old skeleton who disappeared. He was gone on day two when I went to pick him back up from playing at grillbys. I called gaster and he came home quickly.

I remember saying sorry about 1 million times, my guilt for the child's disappearance waging war on my heart. I still remember the fathers words,

“Don't blame yourself dear one, my son has a tendency to run off for weeks at a time, he says he's looking for his mother.” Gaster’s words had calmed me quite well. The child was like my son as well.

“I'm sure sans will come back.” Gaster said to calm my nerves. I hated not being able to know where sans was. It broke my heart to think that he was only four and already meant to world to me.

“Don't worry.” Gaster kept telling me, like it would work.



Day 29

It's been weeks since I wrote and for that it is now Day 29. Sans is back but that's only thanks to a skeleton named Ink. He found sans and brought him home. I'm really grateful for that. Ink is a nice man around my age if not a year older. He has a kind soul and I'm really greatful to know him.

Ink has been staying at gasters house like I have and has been helping me watch sans.


Day 34

I'm not writing as much but I don't think it's that bad. During the past five days Ink asked me out on a date. The date went smoothly and now we seem to be strangely dating. We can't go on dates but somehow sans keeps trying to make little dates for us. He tried to make us dinner but he almost burned the house down. I'm quite happy I have water magic or else the house would be no more.

Ink was surprised that I was only half human. He was even more shocked when he saw that my soul was more like two. It was pink and at the tips of each little heart the touched making one big soul.

Ink thought I was amazing making me blush. He was such a flirt.

Sans adores me and ink as a couple. I find the four year old slightly annoying.

“Common!” Ink had called pulling on my arm during our first date after I saw a person with a pink soul similar to mine.

I didn't ever meet my real family. I spend the first part of my life in the orphanage.

Ink thinks I'm the most powerful being in the multiverse. Yes Ink told me about his job. He is the creator and guardian of the aus. He said that I'm the only Cala in the whole multiverse meaning that I'm special. But with that he has already saved me from this weird skeleton called error who tried to kidnap me. Error is weird.

Many journal entries later

Day 1093

Ink is afraid that when I give birth i might pass. I believe he may be right. I know the children and have told him my wishes, here they are.

“I am going to give Quinn my magic. Sent her to undertale, sans and gaster will watch over her. Keep Quincy with you. That way you'll always have me with you.” I had told my husband.

Day 1107

This will be the last thing I write for I am dying. I have given birth to my son and have already passed my powers to my daughter. I'm sorry ink.

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