Chapter 9, 3rd person

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Ink walked through the portal just to stare down blue. He understood completely why he was here and he knew that blue had scarred his daughter horriblby and he was still quite mad.

Dream stood next to ink twitching slightly at the tension between his two friends.

“Guys the matter at hand is the girl. Let's just make sure she's okay and take the poor girl home.” He reasoned pulling ink down the hallway to the extra room where Quinn's sobs were heard.

“Baby…” ink whispered after opening the door. Quinn looked up and tackled her father in a hug as she sobbed quietly. Fear racked the poor girl's body as she shook.

“Dad….” she whispered clinging to her father as she sobbed. It looked as if she had just finished packing a small orange bag. Tears fell down her face into the scarf that laid on her father's shoulder.

“Shhh…. Quinn baby please don't cry. It's okay sweetheart.” Ink whispered rubbing the girl's back as she sobbed. Her tears felt like acid to him. His heart broke at her sobs.

“Baby please don't cry.” He begged.

“Dad….. I feel so broken!” She cried clinging to him. Even though ink was so small Quinn and her brother where around the size of their father.

“I know baby…. I know baby….” he shushed rocking her back and forth. He hugged her tighter.

“Dad why did it have to go so wrong!?” She sobbed into his shoulder again.

After around two hours of the girl's tears her father held her bag as she clung to his skeletal hand. Her face no longer showed emotion besides pain and betrayal. That was all the poor girl felt at the moment.

“Quinn let's get going. You will be staying in dream tale with dream sans. His brother nightmare sans abandoned it so error won't look for you there.” Ink told his daughter rubbing her head. Quinn only nodded sadly.

“Okay dad. Let's just go.” She frowned grabbing his hand tighter as tears threatened to fill her eyes once again.

“Okay Quinn, let's go dream!” Ink called opening a portal to a nice au.

“Home sweet home.” Dream sighed happily walking through. Ink looked back at Quinn before letting go of her hand and following his dear friend. Quinn stared at the portal with sad eyes. She looked back to paps and blue before walking through the portal, leaving her second home forever.

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