chapter 10, 3rd person

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Dream sighed leaning on the wall. It had been a week and he awoke every night to the halfling’s cries. Usually it was her cries that came from her sleep. He felt guilt build in him and he knew the poor girl was probably scarred and upset. She just left her second home.

“Quinn…” Dream whispered walking into her room to see the girl struggling in her sleep.

“Help!” She cried and his eyes widened snarling. His brother must have been targeting his poor poor house mate.

“Nightmare stop!” He yelled hugging quinn to his small skeletal body. His body shook with anger as he held the small shaking halfling.

“D-dream?” She mumbled now awake and looking at the usually perky skeleton who is now hugging her and yelling into thin air.

“H-hey Quinn.” Dream whispered looking at the small girl with fearful eyes, “Are you okay Quinn?” He continued looking deeply into her eyes making the brunette shiver.

“I-I'm fine, why?” She asked looking up at her friend with inquisitive eyes.

“N-nothing….” he whispered lying, and he knew it was a terrible lie.

“Tell me dream.” Quinn snarled standing up and pushing the poor skeleboy away from her.

“I-I can't Quinn!” He gasped out making her look at him.

“If you trusted me you would tell me.” She growled leaving the room in a huff of anger.

“Quinn! Come back!” He called chasing the brunette like she would die if she left, which was actually half true. She had a chance of dying if she left and that's what the poor skeleton was afraid of.

Quinn looked back but continued to run not caring that her dear friend was chasing her.

“Quinn please it's not safe!” He cried out dropping to the floor, unable to continue running at the speed he was and was to tired to keep running.

Quinn turned, giving her friend a guiltily look.

“I'm sorry Dream but I have to go!” She yelled and smiled before running farther off.

“Now where would Quincy be….?” She mumbled looking for her brother as she entered the anti void.

“Sis…. what are you doing here!?” Quincy yelped looking at Quinn's weak frame.

“I'm looking for you.” She whispered looking at the other halfling that looks like her except male.

“Well sis go back to dream before error, cross, or nightmare finds you!” He snarled grabbing the weaker brunettes hand and tugging her into a portal, probably to bring her back to dreamtale.

“NO!” Quinn cried out pulling herself from her twins grasp before he could pull her to dreamtale.

“I don't want to go back. I keep getting nightmares and dream is starting to scare me!” She whimpered walking away backwards from her almost identical twin.

“That means that nightmare has found you…. crap…. dreamtale isn't safe. Common sis we are gonna go get dad!” Quincy yelled out tugging on his younger twin.

“Please no. I need to get to mom and sans!” She cried out. He heard her sob and felt his heart slowly break.

“You can't go back to undertale. There was a reset and they are back underground.” Quincy said grabbing her arm tighter and pulling her over to him a again and began to walk to where ink was.

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