Chapter 3, Quinn

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"How is it possible for a student to be kicked out of a school on the first day for answering a problem!?" Sans yelled into the phone. He was on the phone with the school board.
    "Hey Quinn, wanna come shopping with me?" Fri- mom asked pulling me away from sans. I nodded pulling her out of the building. Since we didn't have a car we walked everywhere. Including the mall.
    "What's going on in there?" Frisk murmured. We heard screams and I began to shake in fear. I saw a black skeletal hand.
    "Crap. Quinn run!" Frisk yelled. I held flowey, who went everywhere with me, and began to run.
    "Error stop!" I heard a oddly familiar voice yell and I stopped in my tracks turning and running to that voice. I ran straight into the mall.
    Inside I saw two skeletons that both looked like sans.
    "Well well well. I guess what I came for walked right into my trap." The darker one laughed. The lighter one looked so familiar.
    "No! Quinn run!" The lighter one yelled but I didn't listen and walked closer. Who ever he was, I felt attached to him, like I needed to be with him
    "Quinn please!!" He yells again and I do as I'm told. I run out and grab frisks hand and run off, but not before turning one last time to look at the lighter skeleton, before running back to our house.
    "YOU COULD HAVE BEEN KILLED!" Sans yelled as he inspected the small cuts on frisk. Frisk had fallen.
    "Because you ran off, frisk got hurt, Quinn how could you be so irresponsible?" He sighed kissing my head before looking down.
    "Sans it's not her fault. You know she would feel drawn to Ink." Frisk glares at sans hugging me. I look at them strangely before shrugging.
    "Okay then." I whisper. I soon walk away from my arguing family. Who knows how they act without me around. Sometimes I'll catch sans flirting with her. Trust me it's gag worthy.
    "Bye Sans! Bye Mom!" I called, running out of the room and into my bedroom in a hurry.
    My thoughts went back to the lighter skeleton. Was he the ink my mother mentioned? If so then why was I so drawn to him. Was he related to me or something?
    "Quinn?" Flowers voice asked near me. I jumped. I hadn't even noticed that my dear friend had been at my side.
    "Hey flowey." I said smiling at him. My eyes did not show happiness even though my smile seemed more real.
    "What happened Quinn?" He asked easily catching on that my smile was fake. I shrugged looking down at my hands. My whole life seemed to change after seeing the lighter skeleton. I needed to see him again. I needed to know why I'm so drawn to him.
    "I'm just thinking Flowey." I said leaning on my bed. I laid down and my brown hair layer down around me.
    "Hey sans!" I heard a oddly familiar voice say to my brother from downstairs.
    "Well hey Quincy!" Frisk said. I could practically hear the smile in her voice.
    "Did dad come here?" Quincy asked. When he did I peaked my head out of my door and looked down the stairs.
    The boy had spiky brown hair, similar to mine. His blue eyes shown. His blue eyes met with my blue orbs.
    "Who are you?" I asked, my long brown hair rolling down my left shoulder as I stepped out of my room.
    "My name is Quincy." He smiled at me. I tilted my head slightly looking at him intently.
    "Why are you here?" I asked him, straightening up slightly as I walked down the stairs, to the boy who looked shockingly like me.
    "I'm looking to see if my father, ink, came here after fighting off error." He said smiling at me.
    "Who's error?" I asked tilting my head to look at him better.
    "He's evil Quinn." He shrugged. I starred at him wide eyed.
    "How do you know my name!?" I cried covering my mouth shaking a bit.
    "Quincy you idiot!" Sans yelled glaring at the boy.
    "Quinn.... I know your name because I'm your twin brother."

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