My Prey's Name Is Dean Winchester

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So many suggestive things in this chapter.

Like I feel like I laid it on thick, but it works, really well for the demon character.

Anyway, enjoy, Updating so fast wow.

Sam gets into the Impala and drives away down the road. In the BBQ place watching from the window. We see the beautiful mystery women watch in the shadows.

"Ugh Winchesters, time to ditch this meat suit."

The demon gets up and heads into the kitchen. A waitress follows her.

"Hey, you can't come in here this is for employees only." The demon turns and smiles. Looking the waitress up and down. A young girl, 20 or 23 maybe, the girl's blonde hair was almost white. It fell to a straight line midway down her back, absolutely flat and shining brightly from the hanging ceiling light. When she turned her head it moved with her like a liquid and about her freckled face, the shorter strands hung forwards to hide her eyes. Her eyes, Oh they were a hickory as rich as the earth's soil, stained with the color of hot chocolate on a cold, winter night that wraps around you like a blanket; engulfs you in its warmth and makes you feel at home. Perfect for what she needed. One thing she heard about a Winchester is they fell for pretty girls. And this girl was perfect for the job, quite the masterpiece actually.

"Did anyone ever tell you that you're really pretty." The girl looked up at the demon and blushed,

"Ah thank you but, you can't be back here." The demon nodded,

"Right, of course, I was just looking for the bathroom can you show me there?" The waitress smiled,

"Of course right this way please." As she leads the demon through the building she had no idea this would probably be her last normal day in her ever-shortening life. Pity, she was so pretty. Once they came down the bend that leads to the bathroom, the waitress stopped and pointed to the bathroom door,

"Well, here it is if you need anything else just be sure to let me know." She started back but before she even reached the demon, she was pushed into the wall by an invisible force. "What the hell is-?!?" The demon snapped her fingers and cut her off mid-sentence.

"You really are pretty, just perfect actually, You'll do well in bringing me a Winchester." And with that, the demon's mouth popped open and blackish grey smoke pillared it's way out and up. But not too far before speeding back down. The now crying waitress, opens her mouth, watching the black smoke choke her and she loses control. She can feel her conscious slip and then it's total darkness. But her face contorts into a wicked smile.

"So Bri, is what they call you. Good, now to get out of these boring clothes and into something more my style." And with that Bri, disappears. Leaving the poor girl who was recently possessed lying dead on the floor. She had been dead for days with a long slit in her heart hidden by clothes and demon powers.

The demon casually strolls into the bar. She lost the waiter outfit and was now rocking a cute black mini dress. She adored this look with black see-through tights and marble black heels. She was a bit out of place for the kind of bar she was in, but she walked around confidently like she had no care in the world. She sat down at the bar. Signaling for the bartender, He left the conversation he was having with some patrons and came over.

"What can I get you, darling?" I thought about it, but decided on my personal fave,

"I'll take a Whiskey shot, ah make a double." The man looked me up and down, clearly not hiding his interest. I mean I get it, this meat suit was quite beautiful if I do say so myself.

"You sure sweetie, why don't you go for something a little easier to swallow." I give him a seductive smile,

"Oh I can swallow just fine mister." The man before me looks a little shocked but soon smiles getting what I meant and then he poured me two shots. "Thanks, Handsome, I'll be back for more," I say as I wink and I pick up the second shot downing it and leaving the bar with a swing of my hips as I walk. Making sure the bartender is getting a good look.

It's always good to have devoted followers, even if they just want to fuck me. But hey a deal's a deal. And contingency plans save lives. So I make my way around the bar. I plan on making lasting impressions, on all these lovely patrons. Once I deal with the threat I can easily make some huge deals here, oh this is going to be fun.

After I'm sure I've talked to everyone in the bar, I head to Dean Winchester. He's playing pool with a drunk couple of guys who are clearly losing. I walk up to the table, watching from the sidelines for a little while. I cheer at all the right moments. I get the attention of the Winchester boy. He looks me up and down, he obviously likes what he sees. So I strut forward after the game is over,

"Wooow, your sooo good at pool, you have to teach me," I said drawing out the words and pausing every now and then. He smiles a smug smile.

"Yeah, you like what you see?" I check him out quite obviously and nod my head,


I'm pushed up against a wall with a tongue down my throat. I was looking for the demon, but all work and no play really wasn't my style. I stayed at the bar to get out of work. She also wasn't the demon, the bartender said it wasn't this girl that came in yesterday. Though he also looked pissed that she ended up with me. But, what can I say ladies dig this.

She wasn't backing down, she kept fighting for dominance and to be honest, that was hot. We made out in a hurried fashion, stripping clothes as we got closer to the bed. She pushed me hard and I fell back on the bed. I looked up and I can see her sliding down the zipper on her tiny dress. And with that, her dress fell. She was truly beautiful. She introduced herself as Bri earlier. She was staring at me as she started to unhook her bra, I could get lost in those brown eyes. She crawls up my body till shes straddling my hips, and she's moving hers in a suggested manner. I grab her hips. She makes a pleased sound. She reaches for something behind me. I move my head to look but she calls out to me.

"Hey, Dean look at me." I look back into those breathtaking eyes.

"Yea-" WACK! I feel something hard hit my head, what the fuck. I look at her in confusion, and gone are her entrapping brown eyes. All I can see is the darkness of a demons black eyes, were her eyes once stood. I try to get up and knock her off me but she hit me again and I struggle, but soon enough I slip into unconsciousness.


How was it?

Did I make the "semi-sex scene" Awkward?

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Demon Hunts, A Winchester Initiation [Book 4]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora