Heart Break, Death, Destruction, And Hate

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WARNING: Lot's of sad stuff in this chapter, it's reminding me of my other story No One Left. I don't think anything I will ever write anything as depressing as that ever again, But this definitely has those vibes.

Otherwise, Enjoy.


"Well, how was that Stiles?" I feel Gerard say to me.

"Now your two stupid wolves are going to be haunted." I'm mad. Pissed even. But my face remains an even blank.

"And just wait this is far from done."

"What the hell do you mean? You old sick fuck. Derek's going to find out. They know I wouldn't do this. You'll get sent to the afterlife for good this time." But Gerard just laughed and typed in Derek's number.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"Of course I'm just going to break up with Derek." My heart stops.

"What? Why?"

"Well, to make Derek stop trusting you, and god if I'm gonna be in this body I don't want to even imagine touching that freak of nature." I'm crying. Well not outwardly. I hate Gerard. I want him gone. But I'm weak and powerless. I'm human.

Derek picks up.

"Hello, Who's this?" I smirk.

"Hey, Derek."

"Stiles? This isn't your phone." He sounds confused.

"Yeah, I dropped mine,"I say with no emotion.

"Oh. Okay." He accepts the simple explanation.

"Um, Derek I just don't feel us working out." My heart is breaking.

"What?" I can hear the shock in his voice.

"Well, I mean I know we are dating but I kind of don't want to anymore." I can hear Derek's defeated tone,


"Well, I don't think I can trust you. Your so much older and well your kind of not human. I just don't see us long term. I just kinda went with it in the heat of the moment. I mean you're hot. But that's really all. I mean your kind of depressing to be around. And with your relationship history. Having everyone before me is well dead, Like Jennifer, Kate, Paige." I hear Derek make a sound.

"And well I don't really think it'll work out. Also, I don't really think I'm into guys. I was just testing it out with you, but the kissing kind of turned me off. So, let's break up okay." Derek was silent. I was crying on the inside. All those hurtful things,

"Gerard I'm going to kill you! You asshole get the fuck out of me." I just felt my face smirk.

"I mean it wasn't even serious, right? So like we can leave off as friends right?" Derek finally spoke.

"Yeah. Sure, Stiles. Bye." I could hear the hurt and pain in those 4 words. I wanted to cry. But instead, my smile just got even bigger.

"Well, that was great."

"I hate you! Get out of me!"

"Stiles you should be thanking me. Dogs aren't meant to be friends. Or even lovers."

"Fuck you."

I picked up the phone again and sent some texts to Alli and Lydia saying I got into an accident and I was okay. They responded quickly asking how bad I was hurt and if I was going to school tomorrow. I replied yes. And put the phone down.

"Now time for the last piece of the puzzle."

" There's more?" I say dreading what else this monster has in store. He walked to my closet and pulled out my hunter bag. He reached inside and grabbed a knife and a gun.

"All that's left is to add a few more deaths to your name." I grimaced, what the hell does that mean.

"Maybe I'll shoot the wolves. Or maybe your dad."

"Like I'd let you, I'm going to kill you!"

"Oh, that'd be fun. Of course, I'm going to kill Chris and Allison. They are a shame to the family. Oh, maybe I'll just kill Allison and let Chris kill you. Scott may even kill you then. Oh, the fun."

"Are you crazy you want to kill your own family."

"I don't have a family like that, who sympathize with the mutts. I'll kill them all. All your family all your friends, Dead. Maybe I'll let you live. So you can live a life without them. They'll think your crazy. If you start spouting possession. And in the end, you'll either go to jail, or Echen house. Or maybe you'll kill yourself in the end. Yeah, that's what you'd do. You're weak like that." I'm broken. My head thought about all those things. I want to puke. I want to die now just so I could prevent what this monster is about to do. I feel myself, pick up the phone and open the door.

"Hey, Dean I'm going to sleep. I'll leave the phone in your room." I hear a quick,

"Ok, thanks!" I drop the phone on the bed. And head back to my room. I shut the light off and lay in bed. But I don't sleep. No, I can just feel Gerard thinking about my friend's deaths. I can hear and feel mouth singing this creepy murderous lullaby talking about cutting monsters in half. It's a freaking nightmare. That I can't wake up from.



So that was sad. Sorry. I cried writing it, so I wasn't happy either.

Anyway, that's all for today. No more chappies are being posted today. I'm hungry and tired and my hands hurt. I've been typing with those fake acrylic nails. And ugh, I need to crack my knuckles.

I still want Gerard dead, but sadly he needs to fuck up a few more things before that happens.

Demon Hunts, A Winchester Initiation [Book 4]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя