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Ah, I'm back so quickly. I was just trying to sit here and wait to upload but I couldn't. So here's a new chapter.

Also, it's a tad bit short, but it was originally part of the previous chapter before I cut it. For suspense, that will never happen with me updating so quickly.



Earlier that same day...

I was filing paperwork in the almost empty police station. I'm just fresh from the academy and they send me to this small backward town. At this rate, I'll be stuck with the paperwork all my time here. Everyone is at the open investigation at the local high school. Someone cut the janitor in half. That's wicked and sicK. I wish I could be there. Instead, I'm stuck with the Sheriff in here dealing with paperwork. I sigh, god I wish I could do anything else.

"Uh Hello?" I look up, my heart beating very fast. Damn, he scared me for a second there.

"Uh Oh Um... Hello, sorry sorry. I should've been by the desk out front." I put down what's currently in my hands. I start to head to the younger boy. I feel like he looks familiar. But I can't place it at the moment.

"No it's fine I was just here to see the Sheriff." The boy says as he starts to walk to the sheriff's private office. I intercept.

"Uh sorry, the Sheriff is currently busy with a case at the moment. He told me not to disturb him. So maybe come back later." The boy smiles.

"No, don't worry I'm bringing him lunch, he asked me to earlier." He starts to go around me again.

"Let me ask the Sheriff, I can't let you go in there." The boy sighs,

"Alright, I'll wait. But can you hurry I gotta get back to school soon." I nod and knock on the door as I head in.

"Um excuse me, sir, there is a boy outside saying he's bringing your lunch." The Sheriff looks up,

"Oh, Stiles? Yeah, let him in he's my son." Crap his son. Why didn't the kid just say so?

"Oh and Erik do you mind bringing me the sword from the evidence I want to take a closer look at it." I nod,

"Of course sir." I leave the room quickly and look at the kid, Stiles apparently,

"Oh, you should have told me he was your dad, sorry," I said apologizing. The kid looks like he wants to laugh at me. But all he shows is a smirk.

"Nah it's okay you were just doing your job." He says as he bangs the Sheriff's door wide open.

I sigh, at least I get a break from that. I say as I look angrily to the looming stacks of paper awaiting my return. But before that, I go to the evidence room. I use my little security card and open the door. I look at the table with all the stuff waiting to be sorted from today's investigation. I see the sword sitting on the table. The blade still had blood from the janitor. I go to pick it up. I can see the dried blood flaking off into the plastic bag. It's heavy. I fake swing it. Damn, I wonder how the hell someone managed to cut someone in half with it.

Well anyway, I better bring it to the sheriff. I turn back to the door. But all of a sudden I get a weird chill to creep down my spine. I look behind me to the tiny window in the corner of the room, but it's not open. Huh, weird. I look in front of me and see a puff of smoke. I soon realize it's my own breath. Okay, now that's weird. All of a sudden my head hits the floor. I feel disoriented. I see black and I think I faint. But I still feel aware. I feel my body get up. I see me take the sword out of the bag. What the hell am I doing? But I'm not doing that am I. I see myself take the sword and head to the front doors. I head outside. Where the hell am I going? I see a blue jeep. I walk to the door and I pull. It's locked. I pull again and it opens. Holy crap, I'm breaking into the car. What's going on with me? I place the sword into the back seat. And I walk back into the station.

Once I get back in there. I head back into the evidence and I open the door and lock myself in dropping the key card outside. I wait a baited breath to see what I do next. All of a sudden I walk to the wall and say,

"Thanks, kid. Now time to sleep." What? But before I can even begin to understand, I slam my head against the wall. Again, and Again and Again and Again. I feel blasting pain. I can feel the blood drip into my eyes. And with a final smack, I fall unconscious.

I freak out a little and my hands let go of the steering wheel. I swerve off the road. I try to get control again but my jeep hits a bump and I can feel my jeep catching air. I brace myself as my car flips. 

My car tumbles miraculously upright again. I had my eyes squeezed shut when the car had started to tip. But I open my eyes now that the car stills. The front window is smashed in, I see the shattered glass covering me. The hood is smoking, it also has a huge dent in it. I slowly let go of the wheel and I feel my face.

 I can feel some blood running down my face. I feel up my face finding the source of the problem is the finger-sized cut on my forehead, that stretches into my hairline. I pop the door open stumbling out. I go to reach my phone, but I feel this weird chill as I feel hands on my back. I'm being pushed. I fall hard onto a stump. And I get knocked out.


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Demon Hunts, A Winchester Initiation [Book 4]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt