Mistakes Are Fixed, Love Is Had, And Danger Is Here

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OMG, I had a creative burst tonight... I guess this morning now. So at 12 am I was like "let's write." It's now 5:30. But boy did I write. I think I just finished part 4. Holy crap. I wrote the whole plot, well minus some details, but it's all there. It's gonna be done in 5 maybe 6 chapters, depending on how much I write. But damn. ;( It's almost done.

Anyway, enjoy. And please read the notes at the end. I have a question for my readers.

(Also I'm uploading another Chapter in like an hour it's a pairing to this one. But I didn't want it to be just one chapter because of 'suspense'. And all that stuff.


Dean's POV:

*Ring, Ring* I looked to my phone. I see the caller ID.

"Hey! It's Stiles." Sam looked up from the laptop where he was trying to track where Stiles was. He moved closer as I picked and put it on speaker.

"Stiles?" I ask in question.

"Yeah hey Dean, Sam." Huh, how did he know Sam was with me. Sam pulled he laptop near him he was trying to track Stiles phone number. We had asked Bobby if he had an idea where Peter lived and he confessed he had no clue.

"Listen I just wanted to clear some stuff up, okay. I'm not dating Peter. As Bobby said I am dating Derek. Though I have no idea how he knows that. Like it's not like-" Someone on the other end cut him off,

"Stiles, you're going off topic." It didn't sound like Peter. Derek, maybe?

"Right, right. I kinda lied, Cause I am dating Derek and I haven't gotten around to telling anyone yet. And Peter is Derek's uncle so I kinda used him as a cover, which most likely made the situation worse. Sorry." Sam's computer pinged. I looked and saw Stiles was apparently in an old abandoned warehouse.

"Stiles, Where are you?" I hear a sigh,

"Are you guys tracking me? You're worse than my dad." Sam speaks up.

"Yeah, we're tracking you, I thought you were going to your 'boyfriend's' apartment, not some abandoned warehouse in the middle of nowhere." We can hear some mumbling in the background.

"This is me and my friends hang out, sometimes. And it's not abandoned a friend owns it." He obviously wasn't completely honest, but I guess this is all we were gonna get with him so far away.

"Okay... Are you coming back?" I ask, hoping he was. I don't like that he would be with two other people I didn't trust.

"Uh yeah, I'll be back in uh an hour maybe?"

"Ok," I said ending the conversation.

The kid hangs up. There was something else going on here, but we really couldn't move around easily without getting Stiles and our uncle involved. This was a stupidly difficult hunt. I sigh as Sam closes the laptop,

"So Dean on another note, apparently Chris' father Gerard was a principle in Stiles school. Do you think the kid could tell us about him? We are kinda just sitting surrounded by information. I think we should at least ask." I sigh,

"Tomorrow, I don't think the kid wants to take to use today." Sam gives me a look.

"Fine, but tomorrow."

Sam goes back to his laptop doing research. I grab a beer and sit down, waiting for an hour to pass.

Stiles POV:

I talk to Derek and Peter some more. I thank Derek for helping me. And I also thank Peter for helping earlier. Derek just holds my hand. And Peter grabs the bestiary and leaves us alone.

"I should leave before my cousins come here." Derek nods but still holds my hand. I smirk.

"Well if I leave I need my hand Der." Derek bites my ear for making fun of his clingy-ness. But he pulls me into a deep loving kiss anyway. I'm definitely not saying no. So I kiss him back just as in love. I hear Peter mumble something and leave. I don't really care cause Derek's hand is in my hair and it feels almost too good.

In the end, Derek pulls away. I chase his lips, but we just end up nose to nose. I'm kinda sitting more on Derek now then on the couch. Huh, when did that happen? Derek kisses my forehead,

"If you don't leave your cousins will be mad. I groan.

"I should've just said I was staying over." Derek laughed. But helped me to stand. We may or may not have kissed a few more time before I finally got to my jeep.

"Call me when you get home." He said as he stepped back from my jeep.

"Okay. Bye Der." I said as I waved.

"Bye Stiles." The rest of the trip home I was smiling. Derek was so amazing and loving. I'm so glad we got together. I zip through the town. The roads are empty around here. At least this late at night. I'm on a long straight road that follows the preserve on the right. The road seems bright. Yet there wasn't a street sign in sight. I look up and see the moon. It's almost a full moon. I see this little flash of silver in my windshield. I look ahead yet see nothing. I look in the back seat of my jeep. I keep seeing something gleam in the moonlight but I can't tell. I look ahead again there's no one there so I quickly turn my head looking for whatever is back there. Holy Crap! When the fuck did that get there. How is this even possible?



I wonder what Stiles saw?

BUT BEFORE YOU GO!!!! I have a question. To all the lovely people who love this story. This long ass story.

Do you want a Part 5? I can write one. I kinda, maybe, might've started one. Awhile back. Cause I kinda want to go more into Sam and Deans life. And somehow bring Stiles along for the ride. "(Fuck I already got Ideas.) I'll probably just write it in the end. But If you want to read it. Tell me. Comment and let me know.

I know we're not done yet but I'd just like to know. We have a bit more to go with Part 4, just yet.

Demon Hunts, A Winchester Initiation [Book 4]Where stories live. Discover now