Don't Fuck With Stiles

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A little short, But I have to eat. I was hungry like two hours ago, But I ate one bite of this cake I made and got back to writing. But I just watched some ASMR eating thingy and I'm hungry again. So 15 min break. '

I'll be back. But here's something short to hold you over.

Also, I just wanted to make the title that, without having to add anything else.

The first few classes go quickly since two of my classes were spent in coaches class listening to him warning us with expulsion if we were to go onto the second floor. Right before I can leave however I meet Scott, Allison, and Lydia. Only a few minutes before I can go see my dad. Allison calls me over.

"Hey, Stiles!" She waves me over completely ignoring her protesting boyfriend. She was also upset at Scott for being mad at me. According to Lydia's one text she sent me, Alli let Scott have in that little conversation. And apparently, Scott was mad that she took my side.

I walked over.

"Hey Allison, Lydia, Scott." Scott ignores me, while Lydia waves, but she's more interested in something on her phone.

"So do you guys know why we're not allowed up to the second floor?" I ask in question.

I tried to sneak up there but the coach was apparently expecting me to and was about to give me detention when one of the display cases shattered. All the people were staring at the guy who was standing the closest to it. He saw the coach and ran.

"Stay here Bilinski." He had told me as he ran after the kid. Apparently the kid was eventually caught, apparently, Parish was in the school because of the case, and caught him all badass like tripping him while he was running from the coach. In the end, the kid swears he didn't try to break the case, he claims that the case just broke. However coach, not believing him still gave him detention for it as well as making him pay for the damages. But luckily he forgot about my detention in the process.

"Scott said that the police are talking about some janitor being stabbed, or something but there being very tight-lipped about it." I nodded absorbing information and piling it away for later.

"That would make sense, But I wonder why they didn't just cancel school?" Lydia speaks up with the apparently obvious answer,

"They couldn't release the information about the case so soon while the investigation is still open. Also for the fact that it happened in the middle of the night, the police are short-staffed after all that happened recently there's no way they had time to get a message out to the whole school that quickly. So the quickest and easiest option would be to close off the floor with the crime, while shutting up about it until the kids leave and so that they can clean it all up, without causing major panic." She said with a sigh like it was so simple. If I wasn't so into Derek I'd be fawning right now. But I'm good now. I still love Lydia just in a more platonic way now, not that she stopped being my goddess or anything. But I'm more into Derek since he actually likes me, which still shocks me.

"Right, of course, That was so easy to figure out," I say sarcastically. Lydia gives me a look.

"Sorry," I say apologizing I know not to get Lydia angry.

"Anyway I'll talk later my dad asked me to bring him lunch," Allison spoke up

"Oh see what you can find out." I nodded but before I can answer Scott butt's in.

"This doesn't seem to involve anything supernatural, so why are you even interested?" He's directing the question towards me.

"Well, what if it is?" I say not really wanting to talk to Scott, I'm still upset.

"Then those who are actually involved will take care of it." Is Scott serious right now.

"'Those who are actually involved', Then what the hell am I?" Scott just laughed,

"Someone who's playing at being a hunter. Do you really think you could actually defend yourself against us? I could probably still beat you even after all the 'hunter' training you did."

I may have later realized I went too far but hey, Scott was being a dick.

I decided enough was enough as I rush up into Scott's space, I place my foot behind his ankle as I push him backward. Scott not seeing my foot slams back into the lockers. I pull out my wolf's bane knife I hid inside my jacket and poke him in the stomach, Light enough not to break the skin, yet hard enough he can feel the wolf's bane.

"Now Scott, I think I'm fully capable of taking you on. And my 'hunter' training was definitely the real deal if you're ever curious just ask. I'll gladly show just how much stronger I am." I push off him and hide my knife. I wave to Alli and Lyd's as I leave. I see a few people looking shocked. It's either because of my display of never before seen strength or the fact I and Scott actually were fighting.

I run up to my car, avoiding having to talk to anyone else. I was already kinda rushed because I still have to get back. I make a really quick pit stop by a market to get two salads. I know my dads hungry and I'm not giving him an excuse to eat crappy food again. And soon enough I make my way up to the station.


Ok, hope you liked, be back shortly.

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