Allison And Stiles Bonding With There Shared Trait Of Being Hunters

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First I will say. Wasn't in the mood to write. I was in the mood to reminisce over Merlin and re-watch the shit out of that show on Netflix. Then proceed to read all the fanfic about it. Then start my own fanfic, I wrote 4000 words in like 3 hours. I was kinda hyped.

Then I got my nails done. Like those long acrylic nails and it's soo damn hard to type with them. And I got them in white, and now there dirty cause I was cleaning and something stained my nails like a tan color. :(

But good news I got a job, Like a long-term job. One that will work through my school schedule and I'm so excited because it will give me experience in the field I'm studying. Which is teaching. I kinda get to work as like a teachers assistant and a secretary. Which I've was a secretary a few times and I have an interview on the 9th. Waaaa I'm so excited.

Anyway. Short chappie but no worries I'm writing a second one now and it'll be up in an hour or so.

Enjoy :)


I wipe my brow and look at my supernatural free room. I just spent a good hour cleaning. I got rid of all the crime boards and turned it back into a normal teenagers room. I still had the crime board but I covered it with a blanket and pushed it against the wall. I was currently trying to find whatever brought Sam and Dean to Beacon Hills. They talked about the Nemeton. So I gathered all my information on it. Maybe it was acting up again. I spent another hour on my computer searching and pinning things to the board. I hear my door open and I still. My dads not home yet. Sam and Dean don't come until tomorrow. Derek normally comes through the window. I quickly with the speed and agility of a hunter get up and pull a knife to the intruder's neck. I see Allison's wide eyes. But I can also feel the poke of a knife on my stomach. I look down and see an identically sized knife poking me. I look back at Alli and smile. I dropped my knife and she mirrored my movement. We both meet eyes and laughed. She broke the silence first.

"Wow, Stiles that was a quick reaction and a deadly one." She was smiling as she said this. I laughed and respond seriously,

"You shouldn't sneak up on a hunter Alli."

She went, "Ooo a Hunter," giggling.

I motioned for her to come in. She quickly found a seat on my bed. I sat on my computer chair waiting for the bombardment of questions I knew were coming. But to my surprise, she apologized for her dumb boyfriend. Her words, not mine.

"Alli, It's not your fault. It's not really Scott's either I should of told him." I sigh, recalling our fight. But Allison just keeps surprising me by taking my side and not Scott's.

"No Stiles it's not your fault. You said you were going to tell him, you told me so. But you had a lot on your mind with, keeping the pack safe and trying to capture and exorcise a demon. Scott was in the wrong here." I smiled and said thanks for taking my side.

But once that was cleared up she clapped her hands and pulled out a notebook where she had written all her questions. I looked at her waiting for her to start.

"Okay, so first question. Since when did you know you had hunters as a family?" Easy.

"Remember the Wendigo hunt. I had remember reading one of Deans books and in it was a page about them. Since I was a nosy child I snapped a bunch of pictures of their bestiary." She nodded along. "But I didn't believe it really, up until the whole Scott is a freaking werewolf thing happened." She nodded understanding having a hard realization into the whole supernatural.

"Okay, next question, How many supernatural creatures exist exactly?" I was about to start naming them off, but I realized that there was a crap load and we didn't have the time to sit here naming supernatural creatures.

"Well how about I send you a copy of my bestiary for that one. I feel like there is just to many to name in one sitting." She nodded.

"Okay. Then onto the next question. Can I meet your cousins?" I didn't expect this question but I just shrugged.

"Uh, sure just come over while there here. But I thought they were going to meet your dad. Why not just meet them then." Alli sighed and gave me an unhappy look.

"My dad doesn't want them to know I'm a hunter. He already mentioned it to Bobby. He said they can know that I know about the supernatural. But I'd never hunted before." She looked unhappy.

"Hey you're not alone they won't know I'm a hunter either. And if you want to meet them just come over tomorrow." I look at the clock on my computer,

"Or just hang out here for a few more hours." She looks at the clock and sees it's already ten.

"Do you mind if I stay and ask more questions?" I don't care personally. I don't think I can sleep tonight because of the nerves anyway.

"Sure. You wanna order food?" She nods and I quickly call for some Chinese food.

As we wait she continues the questioning.

"So here's another question. Well more like what's going to be our plan of action once they get here? Even though Bobby's sorta cool with the werewolf thingy. What happens if your cousins find out. What do we do?" I nodded. I've been running that problem through my head.

"Yeah, I wasn't sure. My plan so far is to tie up my cousins and make them see reason. But I have a feeling that won't go over well." Alli laughs,

"Yeah, I don't think that'll go over well. But it's a good idea as any. You could stall them and I could warn the pack to hide. While your dad, Bobby and you try to convince them otherwise." I nod liking the plan she was laying out.

"Okay. For now, that's the plan." She nods and goes back to her list. She looks to be almost at the end.

"Right last question." Though as an afterthought she says,

"For now. Right last one, what are they hunting?" I got up and grabbed all the research off my desk.

"Well, Bobby said they were asking about the Nemeton. Which I don't know why. Since we finished it an all. But maybe they don't know, or they found something new. But I got nothing." Allison looked through my extensive research. She looked awed at all the work I've put in, in the little time that I've had. But research is my forte.

Allison and I continue researching until the food arrives. We eat a lot. Were both quite hungry having skipped meals that day. My dad comes home to find us passed out watching a movie in the living room. He sneaks some chinese food out of the leftover containers. I find out the next day and promptly yell at him, since he had such a greasy lunch. But my dad texts Chris to let him know we have Allison over. And he justs puts a blanket over us and lowers the volume so that it's only providing background noise. Allison and I won't wake until mid morning tomorrow. And my dad leaves to the sation pretty early. So we were surprised when we were woken by a door bell. And seeing Sam, Dean and Bobby on the other end.

Demon Hunts, A Winchester Initiation [Book 4]Where stories live. Discover now