The Aftermath Part One

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So I'm back again. BTW part five has so many fun ideas I can't wait to start writing. I would now, but I fear I'll mess up. So first part 4.

This is a filler with some humor tbh. I needed to get everyone together and this did that.

Next chapter is where the final boss fight starts I guess. Though I don't know if you'd call a ghost a final boss. But that's the main enemy so final boss it is.


Chris POV:

We all calm down after the initial panic from what my daughter said.

"Okay so let's figure out all the information," I say. Allison then explained to us what Lydia said and how stiles took control and how Scott and Isaac are trapping him as we speak.

"Around the time Stiles came to the station when I was handing him off the case files is around the time the sword disappeared." , the sheriff says.

"Wait so do you think that Stiles is being controlled by the sword?", asked Derek, he looked pale.

Dean thought about it, "It could be possessing him. But why?"

Chris looked sick, "We need to save Stiles, Especially from Gerard." Bobby also looked sick.

"Not that I'm against saving my cousin but why do you guys look sick. Chris sighed,

"Stiles probably didn't say anything and I respected him and didn't say anything cause Gerard was dead so I thought I'd give him peace. However, when my Gerard was looking for information on Derek and his pack." Chris pause for a second looking sick at what he was about to say.

"He apparently kidnapped Stiles and tortured him."

Sam, Dean and the sheriff yelled, "What?"

"When the hell was this?" The sheriff looked towards Chris.

"Ah apparently after the lacrosse game, I think? I didn't find out until after the fact." The sheriff looked thoughtful.

He then mumbled, "Other team my ass." He sighed. "Yeah, I remember Stiles came home with a bloody face and he had told me it was the other team who beat him up because he had won. I was about to kick those kids asses but he wouldn't tell me there names. Now I see why it was the principle the whole time huh." The sheriff looked livid.

Derek POV:

Derek didn't know what to do, he didn't know Stiles did that for him. Stiles never said anything. And he had thought Stiles had betrayed him over the phone then. Damn it. He really hated hunters. Well, not all hunters he thought thinking of stiles a few weeks ago when he was sitting in the loft with Derek joking about something. He was happy and smiling. He was adorable and perfect. Derek looked back at everyone in the room. He had set his resolve he was gonna get stiles back no matter what. Everyone seems to be on the same stage and they plan.

Bobby POV:

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