What Sacrifices Do

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Bobby dials a number and puts the phone to his ear. It rings for a bit then someone picks up because Bobby says,

"Chris? Yeah, this is Bobby. Yeah, no I'm good. Thanks." Bobby laughs,

"No, thankfully it's not another demon don't worry. Actually, I was wondering What you know about a Nemeton?" Bobby gets his pen ready to write again. But pauses.

"Uh S- Peter. You know the hunter that worked that demon with us awhile ago." The slip went by unnoticed, by the brothers. There was a long pause on the line then Bobby said

"Yeah. Yeah, the one in Beacon Hills." They seem to be going back and forth questioning each other like hunters do.

"I guess I will. Thanks, Chris. Yeah sure talk to you later."

Chris POV:

It's late afternoon and we see Chris going over some stuff Bobby left him. Coincidentally he gets a phone call. He reads the caller ID and what do you know it's Bobby.

"Hello." He goes into business mode because why else would Bobby be calling him if not for some new threat.

"How are you?" He asks to get pleasantries out of the way.

"Do we have another demon heading our way. Should I restock on salt?" He asks Bobby with a tad of sarcasm. Bobby then asks about the Nemeton, which he didn't think Stiles told him about. And he never brought it up. Out of precaution, he asks

"Who told you about it?" Bobby fumbles his words. He starts to say Stiles but switches to Peter as there mutual contact. That means he's not alone. And must be another hunter because he's asking about the Nemeton. And last he covered Stiles' name so it could only be Stiles' cousins the Winchesters. So he asks,

"You with Stiles' cousins?" The man on the other end seemed shocked. But he confirmed it.

"And you're after the Nemeton in Beacon Hills?" Bobby again confirms it.

"Okay, you coming back down here? Or just the boys. I'd bet Stiles would be comfortable with a familiar face. Tell you the truth I would too. And once you're down here I can see what I can give you on the Nemeton."

Back to Bobby and the boys:

He sighs. Sam asks

"Whats up Bobby the conversation looked to be going well did he not want to help?" But Bobby just shook his head.

"Naw he'll help once we get there." I looked at Bobby,

"We" Not that I don't want you to come but why, is it that big of a deal?" Bobby lays the phone down on the table with a soft thud.

"No, I don't even know if it's anything. Just he doesn't like other hunters coming onto his territory, plus he doesn't know you, so he said he wanted a familiar face. I don't mind going back, but I do gotta ask boys what made you wanna go to Beacon Hills it's kinda a weird hunt?" I looked at Sammy and he gave me the 'we should tell him face' so I stood up.

"We got family there, and on our latest clash with a demon. She happened to mention his name. So we got worried and headed this way. But I think you already took care of the demon, which thanks, but she also mentioned the Nemeton and how it was a beacon that attracted supernatural to it. So we got worried and decided to call Stiles. But he sounded off so we wanted to go check it out." Bobby listened to the whole story without interrupting.

"Ah, I see. Okay, I guess we gotta pack up. Also, you have cousins why didn't you ever mention them." I looked at Sammy,

"Honestly I forgot about it, and you know it never seemed to come up. He lives a normal life why would we drag him into our problems." Bobby got this look on his face like he knew something we didn't know.

"Yeah, I guess. Alright, boys lets go." And at that, we stood up and started packing for the road, to Beacon Hills.

Stiles POV:

I'm driving the Jeep recklessly. I'm nervous. Like Sam and Dean are coming. Oh my god I gotta warn Sc... Derek I'll warn Derek he can tell Scott. I do the dumb thing and start dialing while driving. Once I hit call I pay attention again.

"Hello" It was gruff and nice to hear. That basically describes Derek, huh.

"Hey, Der." There's a low growl but he doesn't mean it. I think he actually likes the nicknames.

"Were in trouble again." I hear him freeze.

"Are you okay? Your not hurt again are you?" I laugh,

"No Derek I'm fine. But I'd be more worried about you and the pups. My cousins, you know crazy hunters are coming here. Something about the Nemoton or something but I don't know how they heard of it. I mean I didn't tell Bobby. You think they could have special powers. That'd be cool, I wish I had..." Derek interrupted me.

"Stiles! I get it. I'll warn everyone to stay away. While there here don't worry." I sigh in relief. At least I still had Derek.

"Thanks ,Der." He says,

"Mmmhhmm Don't worry relax a bit." I nod to myself.

"Okay, I gotta go talk to my dad I'll see you soon?" Der said yes and hung up.

I picked up some grub. It was not healthy, I don't think even I could stand healthy food right now. I don't even think I can eat. I'm so worried. About everyone. But I head to my dads work, to drop off his lunch and to drop off this news.

Demon Hunts, A Winchester Initiation [Book 4]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя