Introductions and Distractions

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This one is short. Just FYI chapter 7 was actually really long. So leave me alone, it's 2 am. I'm tired as fudge.

So enjoy and I not sure when I'm updating again, but it won't be a month so don't worry.


I woke up to the sound of the doorbell. I thought it was weird cause who was here so early, then I thought 'oh it must be Scott', not remembering the fight or my cousins coming over. I shot up at the sound of the doorbell when it rang again realized he wasn't just gonna come inside. I looked around and realized I was in the living room. I felt something on leaning on my side and I saw Allison. I gently nudged her head and she slowly woke. Just as the doorbell rang again. I sighed a heavy sigh, why couldn't Scott just freaking come in. I groggily got up and headed to the door after saying,

"Good morning Alli." She mumbled something that sounded like,

"Morn Stiles." She got up a second later moving to follow me to the door curious as to who it was.

Neither of us fathomed Sam or Dean. To be honest we were kind of too tired to think at the moment. But we soon woke up real quick after I opened the door and there stood Sam carrying two duffles and Dean mid press of the doorknob again. You could also see Bobby in the background carrying what seemed to be more stuff. I was kinda shocked, I looked back at Allison a second and she seemed to just remember what was going on as I was. I turned back to face Sam and Dean.

"Uh hey, Sam, Dean." I didn't say hi to Bobby thank god. That would've been a fail of a lifetime. Sam was smiling at me and Dean had this weird smirk on his face. I realized he was looking at Allison behind me. I sighed and opened the door wider.

"Come in guys." I was still too tired. I ushered Allison in front of me whispering to her to hide our research, that was all over my room from last night. She nodded and said she had to go the bathroom, which she used to excuse herself from the room. Deans grin seemed to get bigger. Ugh.

Sam put down his stuff in the living room, while Bobby closed the door once he was inside. Dean looked at the couch and the blanket and smirked again. I was getting tired of this. I know what he was thinking. Sam pulled me into a hug and then Dean did the same.

"So how's it been. Had fun?" He gestures to the couch. I glare at him.

"I've been good and Alli my friend Dean." Sam also was glaring at Dean for his rudeness. He just goes

"What?" and just looks around. Bobby stands there awkwardly, having not been introduced yet. Allison comes back and flashes me a smile, basically telling me were good. I nodded ever so slowly. I turned to Sam and Dean and clap my hands,

"Right so introductions, Alli this is Sam," I point to my now very tall cousin.

"And this is Dean." I kinda glare at him.

"And that's... Uh... Actually, I don't know who that is?" I'm almost giggling at Bobby's face when he thought I was going to introduce him. Alli was laughing too.

"Oh Right, this is our friend Bobby. You don't mind if he crashes here to do you?" Dean asks, I nod,

"As long if he's fine with the couch I don't think my dad's gonna mind." Allison decides to introduce herself,

"Hi, I'm Allison Argent, or as Stiles calls me Alli." Sam and Dean share a look and turns to Bobby. Bobby nods confirming she is the hunter's daughter. Then Sam looks around,

"Where is your dad anyway?" I see him looking for my dad,

"He probably had an early call, he is the Sheriff after all so he works all hours." Sam and Dean shared another look before asking where they could put their stuff. Alli offered to show them. And Bobby took the opportunity to ask where the fridge was. I lead him there while Sam, Dean, and Allison went upstairs.

Once we were alone, I gave Bobby a hug.

"Hey Bobby, Thanks for coming back." He smiled,

"No problem kid. Did you figure out if there is anything worth hunting? Other than those "friends" of yours." I sighed Bobby was still upset about letting Peter and Derek live after seeing what they did. He didn't get the chance to meet the rest of the pack so they were good for now.

"No, I haven't found anything yet. I researched all night with Allison. But we found nothing, that would bring hunters here, other than the death that happened a while ago, but it's been quite now. So no idea." Bobby nodded looking displeased, thinking if Stiles didn't find anything there was probably nothing to find.

"Oh, by the way, Peter might need to be a hunter again, I'll steer as clear as I can but I said his name to Sam and Dean by accident." I sighed,

"Peter's gonna hate this idea, he might not even show up." Bobby shrugged not caring either way.

We both hear Allison laughing loudly at something either Sam or Dean said. She was obviously hinting that they were coming. I pulled a beer out for Bobby and handed it to him. He opened it and took a long sip. As we wait for Sam, Dean, and Allison to come in and join us.

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