Mental Asylum

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-Kanna's Point of View-

I woke up in a small room, beige colored padding covered the walls and ceiling while the floor was a dark grey, faded concrete. It was dark and cold in this room, with only a ceiling light hanging, dimly lit as if the light bulb hasn't been changed in years. The door was small with a small window near the top with bars coming down locking me in this cell like a typical jail. I sat there, my black hair coming down in front of my face, thinking and thinking of what happened for me to be in this mess. The cops must have caught me when I tripped over that fallen tree in the forest near my home, or at least that's what I think is what happened. No matter that, I am in a padded cell, in a tight straight jacket with my kyanite blue and light husky grey cross necklace around my pale neck.

"Kanna," Yuniki said in a low, calming voice, "Are you listening to me?" Yuniki, my other self, is talking to me through telepathic waves. This girl is more likely than not reason i'm in this mess, everyone in my little town thought I was crazy because I would talk to her in public. Even though I hate her so, I must deal with her since Yuniki and I are connected by body, heart, and soul. If one of us dies, the other goes down as well. Having this demonic, unholy power is like having to listen to a more annoying part of yourself all day and all night, from the sunrise to sunset she is there, she is like a growth in my ear that can talk and talk. It is very annoying and because the necklace can't be taken off for more than a minute or two without your body feeling like hundreds of knives are being stabbed into you, but it is the only way to have a sweet release from her nagging and annoying, squeaky voice.

"Yes i'm awake," I replied angered but quietly, "What do you need Yuniki?" I answered her and all I heard was solemn silence in my head. It almost felt like an eternity until Yuniki answered me while I was sweating bullets the entire time. She always took forever to respond when I had asked a question just because she knows the suspense kills me from the inside out.

"I know how to get out of here, but you have to trust me." I was hesitant on finding out what Yuniki had in mind, shaking in my leather boots waiting. Was she going to make me throw her out the small barred window that leads into the hall then somehow shape shift into her while she is being thrown? Would she make me scratch at the walls until I would break through the padding and concrete?

"I am inside your head Kanna, I'm not thinking about that kind of stuff to do." she waited a few seconds, which was unusual from her normal waiting what seemed like five year routine to add, "Do you trust me!" She started yelling at me, it startled me and made me jump from the spot I was sitting to my feet. I knew I wasn't going to get out if what she was going to do so I grudgingly obliged to her request of trust. I could feel my body getting hotter and hotter, my body was burning up, A sign of Yuniki trying to force a full body take over.

"What the hell do you think you're doing Yuniki?" I forced her back down inside my subconscious while my body temperature cooled and my blood started to stop boiling.

"You said you trusted me, Now let me take over. The guards don't know we are a shapeshifter. So if they see a young looking girl that isn't the one they caught they will let us go and try to find the 'real girl'." I thought for a minute and realized this was one of the smartest things Yuniki has said. I heard a faint clapping come from Yuniki, She was in my head and could tell I was praising her. She took the praise as an invitation to take over, so I let her. My hair went albino white and my skin got tanner then it once was. The world was deprived of color, fading to shades of blacks, whites, and greys, and my straight jacket was gone replaced by a small baby blue and quartz white dress with small frills at the top and bottom along with around the small, puffy sleeves.

-Yuniki's Point of View-

"Ahh, It's so nice to be out of that cramped space. It's been so long since I was out of there!" I heard Kanna growl low and loud at me but I didn't care if everyone could hear me. I was free from that prison of darkness inside the necklace! Now time to get out of this prison. I cleared my throat and when to the door and started pounding on the door screaming things like, "Where am I?" and "Why am I in here?" Finally a young looking man opened the door and saw the very different girl in front of him.

"Who are you? What are you doing in this cell?" The man looked panicked, Just as I expected. I cleared my throat again and put on a cute face as well as a cute accent. Very different from my normal scratchy, low voice.

"I'm Yuniki, What am I doing here? Last thing I remember is being in my bedroom cuddling with my Puppy" He bought the cutsey attitude, it was like playing a game of pretend but with real, breathing people. So easy to manipulate, so easy to break. That is what I have learned over the years of being tortured by my father and uncle.

"I will contact my boss and have you transported back to your home." The young man turned back and ran off while I changed back to my normal, depressed expression.

"Thank you Mister" leaving my door wide open I looked around noticing there wasn't any other sign of life in these hallways other than a german shepard with a small sign handing off it's back that read 'Security Dog'. The dog looked up at me and growled softly until I bent down and scratched him behind the ears. This dog had much rougher fur then bagel back home. After a minute of the scratching the dogs ears shot up and turned back in the direction it came, with that the dog was off running and I was left alone once more. Watching the dog run down the hall gave me an idea but I would need to check with Kanna First. I picked up the necklace softly whispered into it, the necklace that has turned to a deep black cross with an fire opal in the middle.

"Kanna, You wanna run and get out of here?" Some curses were spit at me in response and the only words I could make out from her rage were, 'No' and 'Why would we do that'. I tried to calm her down but some people passing people started to look at me holding my necklace in my face so I let the necklace go and just had to listen to her whine. Five minutes had passed and still no sign of the man and Kanna was not letting up with her cussing. I took off the necklace and put it in the dress pocket, muffling Kanna's voice as my body started to scream out to me in pain to put the necklace back on. After another five minutes of waiting the man came back out of breath.

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