A gay couple verses the world.

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"Landon and Melody Again?"

"Yes sir, and It's worse than before." Inara bent down, kissed me on the forehead and said,

"I will be right back, I need to deal with something." He was acting like I couldn't hear everything this lady just said. Indara walked off with the girl to the west of the camp and my curiosity got the best of me. I followed them to a wide open area with two people punching each other in the middle. The male looked muscular to all hell and the girl looked like a model. Punches thrown to the stomach, throat, and 'special' area were exchanged and blocked. I watched as Indara walked up to the fight calm and collected before he yelled at the top of his lungs.

"Stop this madness Landon and Melody!" Everyone went silent as the pair stopped dead in their tracks right about to punch each other in the face.

"Now what is this all about this time you two?" The two bowed down at Indaras feet saying,

"We are sorry, We are sorry, It won't happen again." Indara Glared at them and Kicked the male in the face.

"Don't give me pity, now tell me what this was about Landon." Landon Fell back and had mud all over his face and in his blonde hair.

"She started it!" I could tell Landon was holding back tears from the kick and acting like a little baby. I started getting closer because I couldn't hear everything they were saying.

"Stop being a baby Landon and admit to your ways. I know you were being sexist against her again. That's how this fight started for the Fifth time this month." I was shocked on how horrible the people here were. I leaned closer and someone behind me screamed,

"Hey Look everyone! Indaras little girlfriend is here!" The guy pushed me into the center of the circle of people right into the mud and i could feel every monsters eyes on me.

"Kanna. What are you doing here." It seemed like Indara teleported to me from how fast he came over.

"I'm sorry Indara. I was curious." Indara picked me up out of the dirt and wiped it off my cheeks. He kissed my head again.

"Are you alright? It looked like you hit the ground hard." I looked over his shoulder at landon trying to quickly walk away and I push Indara out of my way and run towards Landon Tackling him.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"Away, Now get off me little girl!" Landon tried to push me off but he was to weak for me, I could feel my body heating up again and I transformed into Yuniki out of my control.

-Yuniki's Point of View-

I started choking Landon until Indara pulled me off him. Indara helped Landon up and he started screaming at me,

"Demon! I am right that Women shouldn't be anywhere else other then the kitchen!"

I wanted to strangle him more and more the more he said stereotypes for women in the 80's. Indara punched him when he insulted me straight out saying I was supposed to be dead. I felt something in my back and I fell to the ground passing out immediately.

"Kanna thank god you're here," Yuniki started shaking me, "What happened out there? Everything has been completely shifted!" I look around at the red tint in the room instead of the soft blue glow. Yuniki's face was filled with panic.

"I don't know what happened. I was fighting Landon and then something in my back hurt," I tried to sit up and screamed in pain from my lumbar region. I blacked out again from the pain with Yuniki trying to wake me back up.

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