Indaras' Brother

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"Oh seems like I walked in at a bad time. I will leave this here." Indara quickly gets up and jumps on his younger brother screaming at him almost knocking the tent down with him. I picked up one of the many fluffy biscuits on the tray and bit into it while walking over to Indara pinning down his brother. I kicked Indara off and helped his little brother up.

"I can see why he said you always interrupt at the worst times." Indara's brother was staring at me not saying anything back to me. I waved my hand in front of his brothers face.

"Hello? Anybody home?"

"Date me! I mean Hi there I'm Jack." Jack fell to the ground from indara grabbing his ankle. I was standing in shock on what he said then I felt Indara's arms wrap around me again. While he looked down at his brother.

"This is mine." After Indara said this he grabbed my head and jerked it towards him making me kiss him. I tried to push Indara away but people started staring and I didn't want to embarrass him. He finally let up and backed away letting me go.

"Indara. You didn't need to do that." I was mad but I couldn't yell at him in front of all these psychopaths. I heard slight yelling from someone in the crowd around us but I couldn't hear them clearly until the whole crowd started yelling things like, way to go Indara and You got your first kiss. I looked over at Indara while he was looking down at his feet in embarrassment. I lifted his head and saw his whole face was a bright pink, a nice contrast to his almost white complexion.

"Are you okay Indara?"

"Yes, Yes I'm fine." He stuttered over his words and jerked his head away covering his ears trying to drown out the noise. I knew I just met this boy, but I had to do something to help him. He looked as if he was in physical pain from all the noise so I yelled.

"Everyone Shut up!" The crowd went quiet and I stood in shock on how fast these people listen to orders.

"Go back to what you were doing and leave me and Indara alone for a while!" The crowd dispersed after I said that and Indara was on the ground shaking. I crouched down and tried to pick up Indara but he hit my hand away.

"Indara it's fine, they are gone." Indara looked up at me and realized his mistake.

"I'm sorry Kanna." Indara sat up still a little paranoid. He reached toward me and grabbed my cheek in the palm of his hand. His eyes started to tear up again when I put my hand on his. I looked at my hand and realized it was bleeding slightly from when Indara had swatted away may hand. I looked back up at Indara and he was right in my face with tears rolling down his face. 

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