The True Stories

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"Now tell me everything." Indara sat in front of me on the ground patiently waiting for a response.

"It all started on my eighth birthday. The only people that showed up was my father and Uncle. My mother was off at work and my older brother was dead in the basement." I hesitated to continue talking when I felt a hand on mine. I looked up and saw Indara looking at me with a gentle gaze. I had to keep talking otherwise he would attack me again.

"My father and Uncle did horrible and unimaginable things to me. This continued until I was fourteen, then finally the cops were called when I screamed for hours. The cops arrested my father and uncle and took away my older brothers rotting corpse. From then on it was just me and my mother trying to live. A month later my mother shot herself so I was all alone. I was still to young to get a job so I couldn't support the house myself. I was forced to evacuate and the cops didn't know my mother was dead. I wrote a note and left the house with my dog. I found a old abandoned cottage in the woods and I ended up making a friend close by. She would give me money so I could live. Everyday I would go out Yuniki would constantly bother me, and to onlookers I would look like i'm screaming at my Necklace. Everyone thought I was crazy and eventually people started calling the cops on me." The tears were rolling down my face and Indara had a few tears on his cheeks. I wiped the tears away from his cheeks and jaw bone.

"I didn't know. I'm sorry Kanna." Indara got up on his knees and hugged me tight still crying slightly. I hugged him back patting his back for comfort.

"It's fine Indara. Well now that you know my life story, may I know yours?"

"It's not as sad as yours I can tell you that right now." Indara sat next to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders pulling me close.

"I'm not as good as telling stories as you are either. Now Where should I start, I know. The boy you saw earlier was my younger brother, I did have a older sister but she hung herself on my fourteenth birthday. My father was overcome with grief so he ended up killing himself about a month after. Me and my father were very close, we had a unbreakable bond. Then It was all taken away from me with a single gunshot to the head. I have been dealing with mild depression all my life but that was to much for me. I shot myself later that week, the cops were finally called by our neighbors and I was taken to the hospital for internal bleeding. I'm lucky I survived after about a year of being in a coma. Then I was introduced to kantoro here, He was the gift my father was going to give me when he was on his deathbed, but it seems that I got my gift early." Indara sniffled and held me closer. I know how hard it is to remember the dark past. I put my hand on his leg and he put his hand over mine.

"I'm sorry for getting emotional with you Kanna."

"It's fine Indara." Indaras hand ran up my arm to my other shoulder as he turned to face me. Indara leaned closer as his brother walked back into the tent holding a tray of biscuits and tea. 

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