The Cute Savior.

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"Follow me if you want to live" It was a young male and I still couldn't move from fright. The shock from everything that has happened in the last hour has scarred me more then what happened to me when I was young. Before I knew it new, unfamiliar arms were around me in an embrace. The warmth of this hug was different from others I have had. It was soft and comforting. I could feel my muscles relaxing. I could hear Kanna again, she was telling me to run but I couldn't just run from someone that saved me from another traumatic experience.

"Who are you?" I could speak again, It was a miracle. I looked around at the unfamiliar room, what seemed to be a kitchen was behind the couch and the young man that saved me let go of me and stood back up, looking down at Kaito's still body.

"My name isn't important at the moment. What is important is your safety. Now follow me." I couldn't stand for this! I'm not just going to trust a random man that broke into a home to save me. Was this man really trying to save me or was he just breaking and entering this home and stumbled upon this second crime?

"I'm not going anywhere with you. Now who are you!" He was silent, probably contemplating if he would knock me out and take me or to tell me his real name. After a few minutes I heard an inaudible mumble come from him.

"What was that?" I said teasing him slightly on how quiet he was

"Kantoro, Kantoro Insumi. And you are little miss?" That name sounded familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it. I continued thinking until he put his hand on my shoulder breaking me out of my train of thoughts.

"I'm Yuniki Arendal. Now that we have introductions out of the way." I start walking towards the small, wooden door and trying to unlock it. I felt a hand on the back of my neck as Kantoro grabbed the chain of my necklace.

"No don't touch that!" I ripped my necklace from his hands and backed up against the door. I could see the smirk appear on his face. He unzipped his dark Jacket showing he was shirtless underneath with a necklace against his chest. He grabbed the necklace and his hair turned from a light gray to a dark black color and his eyes turned to a softer reddish pink color.

"I'm guessing you are a form shifter as well. That's why you protected your necklace. I'm Indara Insumi. You have already been introduced to my other self. If you're not a form shifter I will have to kill you." I was stunned. I have never met another person with this power outside of my sadistic family before. Did he just say he had to kill me if I wasn't a form shifter? I stumbled around my words and grabbed my necklace.

"Oh, Yeah. I'm sorry this is new to me, We have never met another person with this power outside of my family before."

"Don't be afraid Yuniki. Show me your other self." Indara reached out slightly for me but lowered his arm again and nodded at me. He must really be happy to have found another person that also has this power. Did he say other self? I'm already in my other self, what should I say? I don't want to be rude and just flat out say he's wrong but I might have to.

"This is my other self" After I said that I changed back to Kanna, Hair getting shorter and darker in color, the small dress changing to a pair of dark, denim skinny jeans, and suddenly the world had color again. Indara's hair was more like a dark brown, close to the same color of his hoodie.

-Kanna's Point of View-

"I'm Kanna Arendal. Nice to meet you." I could see the shocked look on his face and his eyes wandering up and down my body with the same lust in his eyes as Kaito. I looked down and noticed I was just wearing my old denim Skinny jeans with many holes in them. I covered my chest and felt a soft, fluffy cloth rest on my shoulders.

"Here, You need it more than me." I looked up at Indara as he put his Jacket over my shoulders. I could feel my face heat up as I zipped up his Jacket over me. Barely fitting over my chest, the hoodie was very soft on the inside, Almost like a sheep's fluff. While the outside was rough and felt slightly wet, was it raining outside?

"Thank you Indara." He put his hand on my shoulder and moved it slowly up to my cheek. His thumb softly rubbing my jaw bone and the corner of my lips. His middle and index fingers rubbing a piece of my hair. He shakes his head and moves his arm down back to his side.

"Follow me." Indara turns away from me and starts walking to the already broken window in the living room.

"Where are you gonna take me?" I stepped forward and reached for him.

"Classified Information." He spat at me, his words creating many more questions.

"Tell me or i'm not moving from this spot!" I felt a hand on my ankle and I realized that Kaito was waking up and coming back for revenge. I screamed and jumped to Indara, we fell into the wall and Indara dropped his bat. Kaito got up and grabbed the bat swinging it at the wall above me and Indara. Indara picked me up and jumped out the window with me in his arms.

"Don't run away with my play toy!" Chills ran down my spine as I heard the last thing from Kaito. I reached my hand up and felt extremely soft and silk like hair.

"Don't worry Kanna. You are safe now." I look up and realize Indara is carrying me while running through the dense forest. The rain was pouring down on us as we ran. I squirmed around until finally relaxing in his arms finally realizing how tired I was. Without noticing my eyes close and i'm off to the wonderful dream world. 

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