He's a Lover and a Fighter

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"Did I do that to you?"

"Yes but it was an accident i'm sure of it." Indara quickly grabbed my hand and made a hand symbol to his brother that was sitting near us in awe. Jack got up and ran off to a tent that had a red cross on the flap. After a few minutes Jack came back carrying a roll of gauze, medical tape, a water bottle, and a small rag.

"This isn't necessary Indara." Indara didn't listen to me and continued to clean up the blood on my hand and wrapped the gauze on the spot where he scratched me. Jack grabbed the half empty water bottle and damp rag and went back to what I assumed to be the medical tent.

"Indara this really isn't necessary, It was just a little scratch." Maybe I was underestimating how bad the scratch was since I was used seeing blood and being in pain. Indara again didn't listen to me and picked me up carrying me back to my makeshift bed. Indara laid me down and put a blanket over me while he sat next to the bed and held my hand. I jerked my hand away from his grip and sat up finally snapping him back into reality.

"Indara chill. I will be fine." He had a confused look on his face.

"What did I do?" Indara looked down at the gauze on my hand and his face got red.

"I guess it was instinct. Whenever I see blood I always try to help the person especially if I love the person." My face got red as he said this. Was I just another person to him or something much, much more already? I just met this guy yesterday, did me and him click together that fast?

"Yes Kanna. I do Love you." I froze in fear of what he would do to me if I said, this is going to fast for me and we just met, or if I said, I don't know about that yet. Indara saw the pure panic in my face and started to tear up again. I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself and Indara down. I rubbed his cheek and kissed his forehead trying to calm his fears of me not accepting him.

"I love you too Indara." I lied to save him from dispar and to save myself from getting another crying session with Indara. He jumped up and hugged me tighter than he ever has before. A new face showed up in the tent while me and Indara were hugging and didn't speak up until it was a very long, very awkward pause.

"Excuse me Leader Dara. You are needed on the west side of camp. A fight broke out between a Serial Killer and a Shape Shifter because of discrimination against the sexes." Indara let go of me, slowly got up and sighed.

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